LD 2685
pg. 13
Page 12 of 14 An Act to Implement the Recommendations of the Commission to Consider the Enhan... Page 14 of 14
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LR 4135
Item 1

This bill also includes a General Fund appropriation of $324,402
in fiscal year 2000-01 for the Maine Technical College System to
provide funds for 3 full time and 32 part time positions to be
established by the Maine Fire Training and Education Program to
develop and deliver standardized firefighter training in local
communities throughout the state.

The Department of Public Safety will incur some minor additional
costs to adopt certain rules pertaining to the establishment of
death benefits for certain firefighters and emergency medical
services persons. These costs can be absorbed within the
department's existing budgeted resources.

This bill also includes a General Fund appropriation of $2,100
in fiscal year 2000-01 for the Legislature for the per diem and
expenses of legislative members of the Maine Fire Protection
Services Commission. The estimated future costs beginning in
fiscal year 2001-02 will be approximately $2,200.

The additional costs associated with providing staffing
assistance to the commission, if requested to do so during the
interim between legislative sessions, can be absorbed by the
Legislature utilizing existing budgeted resources. If the
commission requires staffing assistance during the legislative
session, the Legislature may require an additional General Fund
appropriation to contract for staff services.

The Department of Public Safety, the Department of
Conservation, the Department of Labor and the Maine Technical
College System will incur some minor additional costs to serve on
the Maine Fire Protection Services Commission. These costs can
be absorbed within the departments' existing budgeted resources.


Pursuant to Resolve 1999, chapter 65, the Criminal justice
Committee submits this bill to implement the recommendations of
the Commission to Study the Enhancement of Fire Protection
Services Throughout the State. This bill does the following.

1. It establishes the Maine Fire Protection Services
Commission, whose duties include assessing the fire protection
service system and firefighter training needs in the State and
reporting and recommending potential changes to the Legislature
and the executive. The bill also proposes to appropriate one-
time funds to the commission to allow for the investigation of
options to provide a health insurance bridge for retired

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