LD 2686
pg. 2
Page 1 of 3 An Act Related to Sales Tax on Vehicles Leased and Removed from the State and W... Page 3 of 3
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LR 4166
Item 1

being dispatched to a specific location at which it will be loaded
upon arrival with, or will be used as motive power for the carrying
of, a payload in interstate or foreign commerce. For purposes of
this subsection, "bona fide payload" means a cargo of persons or
property transported by a contract or common carrier for
compensation which that exceeds the direct cost of carrying that
cargo or pursuant to a legal obligation to provide service as a
public utility or a cargo of property transported in the reasonable
conduct of the purchaser's own nontransportation business in
interstate commerce. For purposes of the requirement under this
subsection that a watercraft be placed in use by the purchaser as
an instrumentality of interstate or foreign commerce within 30 days
after its sale and not less than 80% of the time for the next 2
years, the 30-day period and the 2-year period are tolled during
any time period in which the watercraft is under construction, not
in the physical possession of the purchaser or otherwise incapable
of being used by the purchaser to carry a bona fide payload in
interstate or foreign commerce.__The exemption applies to any
components, equipment or materials installed during construction,
refitting, renovation, retrofitting, repair or refurbishment of a
watercraft.__The exemption does not apply to any components,
equipment or materials installed after a watercraft has been placed
in use in the State by the purchaser as an instrumentality of
interstate or foreign commerce.

Sec. 3. Application. That section of this Act that amends the Maine
Revised Statutes, Title 36, section 1760, subsection 41 applies
retroactively to January 1, 1994, but may not be the basis for
any refund claim.




General Fund ($191,544) ($261,184)

Other Funds (10,294) (14,036)

The sales and use tax exemptions for certain watercraft used
in interstate commerce and certain vehicles leased by
nonresidents will decrease sales and use tax collections by
$201,838 in fiscal year 1999-00 and $275,220 in fiscal year 2000-
01. The reduction of these tax collections will decrease the
amounts transferred to the Local Government Fund for state-
municipal revenue sharing in those years by $10,294 and $14,036,
respectively. The resulting net reductions of General

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