LD 2686
pg. 3
Page 2 of 3 An Act Related to Sales Tax on Vehicles Leased and Removed from the State and W... LD 2686 Title Page
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LR 4166
Item 1

Fund revenue will be $191,544 in fiscal year 1999-00 and $261,184
in fiscal year 2000-01.

The Bureau of Revenue Services within the Department of
Administrative and Financial Services will incur some minor
additional costs to implement these sales tax changes. These
costs can be absorbed within the bureau's existing budgeted


This bill extends the sales tax exemption for vehicles
purchased by nonresidents to include leases of vehicles to
nonresidents. The bill amends the sales tax exemption for
watercraft used in interstate or foreign commerce by extending
the time period within which the watercraft must be put to use in
interstate or foreign commerce if the watercraft is not capable
of use for that purpose.

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