LD 2687
pg. 12
Page 11 of 27 An Act to Implement a Maine Meat and Poultry Inspection Program Page 13 of 27
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LR 4026
Item 1

G.__Appoint and prescribe the duties of a director,
inspectors and other personnel that the commissioner
determines necessary to carry out the purposes of this

H.__Cooperate with the Secretary of Agriculture of the
United States in administration of this chapter to carry out
the purposes of this chapter, accept federal assistance for
that purpose and spend public funds of this State
appropriated for administration of this chapter to pay the
State's proportionate share of the estimated total cost of
the cooperative program;

I.__Recommend to the Secretary of Agriculture of the United
States officials or employees of the Department of
Agriculture, Food and Rural Resources for appointment to the
advisory committees provided for in the federal acts;

J.__Serve as the representative of the Governor for
consultation with the Secretary of Agriculture under the
Federal Meat Inspection Act, Section 301, Subsection (c) and
the Federal Poultry Products Inspection Act, Section 5,
Subsection (c) unless the Governor selects another

K.__Exempt the operations of a person from inspection or
other requirements of this chapter if and to the extent the
operations would be exempt from the corresponding
requirements under the federal acts if the operations were
conducted in or for interstate commerce or if the State were
designated under the federal acts as one in which the
federal requirements apply to intrastate commerce;

L.__Require a retail vendor that affixes labels with a date
to meat, meat food products or poultry products to clearly
and conspicuously post its policy concerning date of sale
labeling to enable consumers to understand the policy;

M.__Exempt a livestock producer that sells directly to
consumers or inspected slaughterhouses in carcass form from
the licensing requirements of section 2514.__To be eligible
for this exemption, the livestock must be slaughtered under
inspection and the producer shall relinquish control of the
carcass at the slaughterhouse.__Payment for the carcasses is
based on hanging weight rather than live weight.__This
exemption does not apply to retail operations or poultry;

N.__Establish the sizes and style of type to be used for labeling
information required under this chapter and definitions and
standards of identity or composition or

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