LD 2687
pg. 7
Page 6 of 27 An Act to Implement a Maine Meat and Poultry Inspection Program Page 8 of 27
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LR 4026
Item 1

such manner and form as the rules specify, a statement that it
falls below the standard;

I.__It is not a food for which a definition and standard of
identity or composition has been prescribed and the label
does not bear:

(1)__The common or usual name of the food; and

(2)__If it is fabricated from 2 or more ingredients,
the common name of each ingredient, except that spices,
flavorings and colorings may be designated as spices,
flavorings and colorings without naming each as
provided in rule;

J.__It is represented for special dietary uses and__its
label does not__bear such information concerning its
vitamin, mineral and other dietary properties as the
commissioner determines to be and by rule prescribes as
necessary in order to fully inform purchasers of its value
for these uses;

K.__It contains any artificial flavoring, artificial
coloring or chemical preservative, does not have a label
stating that fact and does not meet requirements for
exemption from this paragraph as established in rule; or

L.__It fails to have, directly on its containers, as the
commissioner may by rules prescribe, the official inspection
legend and establishment number of the official
establishment where the product was prepared and any other
information as the commissioner may require in rules to
ensure that it does not have false or misleading labeling
and that the public is informed of the manner of handling
required to maintain the product in a wholesome condition.

30.__Official certificate.__"Official certificate" means a
certificate established by rule of the commissioner for issuance
by an inspector or other person performing official functions
under this chapter.

31.__Official device.__"Official device" means a device
authorized by the commissioner for use in applying an official

32.__Official establishment.__"Official establishment" means
an establishment as determined by the commissioner at which
inspection of the slaughter of livestock or poultry or the
preparation of livestock products or poultry products is
maintained under the authority of this chapter.

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