LD 92
pg. 2
Page 1 of 2 An Act to Establish the Washington County Emergency Medical Services Authority ... LD 92 Title Page
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LR 628
Item 1

G. Charlotte, selected by its selectmen;

H. Meddybemps, selected by its selectmen;

I. Wesley, selected by its selectmen;

J. Calais, selected by its city council;

K. Cooper, selected by its selectmen;

L. Crawford, selected by its selectmen;

M. Robbinston, selected by its selectmen;

N. Alexander, selected by its selectmen;

O. Danforth, selected by its selectmen; and

P. Baring, selected by its assessors.

The members of the board are appointed for terms of one year
and may be reappointed at the pleasure of the appointing

Sec. 3. Powers. The authority may:

1. Employ and compensate personnel, consultants, technical
and professional assistants and an emergency medical services
medical director;

2. Make and enter into contracts and agreements;

3. Hold public hearings and sponsor public forums;

4. Sue and be sued in its own name;

5. Accept funds, grants and services from federal, state,
county and municipal governments or any agency thereof, gifts and
stipends from its member towns, private gifts from entities and
foundations and stipends and subsidies from Canadian governments
for the provision of services to Campobello Island and the
Province of New Brunswick; and

6. Allocate and disburse funds received to promote the

Sec. 4. Duties. The authority shall:

1. Prepare an annual budget;

2. Follow uniform standards provided in Maine statutes
insofar as they relate to Department of Public Safety rules;

3. Make provisions for emergency medical services in the
county on a contract basis where new services are to be provided;
however, where emergency medical services are already provided by
existing services, they are not abolished by this Act without the
express consent of the governing body of the area and vote of the
existing medical services' board;

4. Implement a county-wide subscription membership program
unless otherwise prohibited by law; and

5. Set and adjust an approved cost-basis schedule that is
uniform throughout the county.

Sec. 5. Organization; conduct of business; meetings. The board must be
organized and its business must be conducted in accordance with
the following:

1. The board shall elect a chair, vice-chair, secretary and
treasurer from among its members.

2. The secretary shall keep a record of the board's meetings.
These records are public records.

3. The treasurer shall keep records of the board's
transactions. These records are public records.

4. The treasurer must be bonded in an amount to be determined
by the board.

5. A quorum of the board is 6 members and must include the
chair or vice-chair and the secretary or treasurer of the board.

6. The board shall adopt such bylaws and mission statements
as are necessary for the legal operation and proper management of
the authority.

Sec. 6. Meetings. The bylaws shall establish the annual meeting of
the board. Additional meetings may be scheduled at the call of
the chair or at the written request of any 5 members of the

A member who fails to attend board meetings 5 consecutive
times may be replaced by the appointing authority. Notification
of such absences from the secretary of the board to the
appointing authority is sufficient to trigger the appointment of
a replacement board member by the appointing authority.

Emergency clause. In view of the emergency cited in the preamble,
this Act takes effect when approved.


This bill establishes the Washington County Emergency Medical
Services Authority.

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