LD 204
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Page 1 of 2 An Act to Create an Alliance for the Purpose of Purchasing Health Insurance ... LD 204 Title Page
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Item 1

8.__Enrollee.__"Enrollee" means an enrolled employee, an
enrolled individual or a dependent of an enrolled employee or
enrolled individual.

9.__Health benefit plan.__"Health benefit plan" means any of
the health benefit plans authorized by the alliance for purchase
by alliance members.

10.__Participating carrier.__"Participating carrier" means an
eligible carrier under section 3406 that contracts with the

11.__Participating consumer. "Participating consumer" means
an enrolled individual or an enrolled employee.

12.__Participating employer. "Participating employer" means
an employer, or an association meeting the requirements set forth
in Title 24-A, section 2805-A, that meets the eligibility
requirements established pursuant to section 3405 and that
purchases health care coverage through the alliance on behalf of
its employees or association members.

13.__Producer.__"Producer" means a producer or independent
producer licensed to do business in the State under Title 24-A,
chapter 16.

14.__Superintendent. "Superintendent" means the
Superintendent of the Bureau of Insurance.

§3402.__Jurisdiction of bureau

Nothing in this chapter is intended to conflict with or limit
the duties and powers granted to the superintendent under the
laws of this State.__The board and alliance established under
this chapter shall report to the bureau any suspected or alleged
violations of this chapter.__Violations of this chapter are
subject to the full range of regulatory actions, processes and
remedies available to the superintendent in dealing with other
entities that the superintendent may regulate.

§3403.__Maine Community Purchasing Alliance established

The Maine Community Purchasing Alliance is established as a
nonprofit, nonrisk-bearing corporation licensed pursuant to this
chapter to purchase health care coverage on behalf of its
alliance members.__The alliance may not be considered a state
agency or instrumentality of the State for any purpose.__The
State may not borrow or otherwise appropriate funds from the

1.__Alliance board of directors.__The alliance operates under
the supervision of a board of directors that consists of 11
voting members and 2 nonvoting members.

A.__Ten of the voting board members must be designated as
follows.__Five members must represent participating
consumers.__The remaining 5 must represent participating
employers.__One employer member must represent a self-
employed business.__One employer member must represent a
public employer.__One employer member must represent a
business with fewer than 100 employees.__One employer member
must represent a business with 100 to 999 employees.__One
employer member must represent a business with 1,000 or more

(1)__Initially the Governor shall appoint the 10 voting
board members who must represent participating
consumers and employers, subject to review by the joint
standing committee of the Legislature having
jurisdiction over insurance matters and confirmation by
the Legislature.__For the purpose of the initial
appointment, a person represents a consumer or group of
employers if that person is eligible to participate as
a consumer or as a member of that group of employers.

(2)__After the initial term, the 10 board members
designated pursuant to this paragraph must be elected
by alliance members.__The board shall establish
procedures in its bylaws governing the election of
board members and maintaining the distribution of
consumer and employer representatives.__For the purpose
of this section, except for the initial appointment, a
person represents a consumer if that person is elected
by participating consumers.__For the purpose of this
section, except for the initial appointment, a person
represents a group of employers if that person is
elected by participating employers from that employer
group.__To be eligible to vote, a participating
employer must contribute a minimum of 50% of the
premium cost toward the purchase of health care
coverage for its employees.__The board may set a higher
minimum employer contribution as a voting eligibility
requirement for participating employers.

B.__The 10 board members shall choose the 11th voting board
member.__The appointed members shall choose the 11th member
prior to the adoption of the board's bylaws.

C.__The Commissioner of Human Services is an ex officio
nonvoting member of the board.

D.__The executive director of the alliance is an ex officio
nonvoting member of the board.

E.__A person may not be a board member if that person or a
member of that person's household is currently employed as
or by, is a consultant for, is a member of the board of
directors of or is affiliated with an agent or
representative of a carrier, producer, health care provider
or other entity having an interest in board decisions
distinct from the interest of alliance members.__Prior to
appointment or election to the board, potential board
members shall disclose to those appointing or electing any
other personal financial interest the potential board member
has in an entity having an interest in board decisions
distinct from the interest of the alliance members.__Board
members may not accept gifts or any other financial gain
from any carrier, agent, health care provider or other
entity having an interest in board decisions distinct from
the interest of alliance members.__This paragraph does not
preclude a board member from purchasing coverage from a

F.__All board members must be knowledgeable about health
care financing and delivery systems.

2.__Bylaws.__The board shall adopt bylaws that govern the
operation of the alliance.__The bylaws must include procedures
for the election of board members consistent with the terms set
forth in this section.

3.__Terms of office. The terms of the voting board members
are staggered.__For the initially appointed members of the board,
the terms of office are as follows:__Three members serve one-year
terms; 3 members serve 2-year terms; and 4 members serve 3-year
terms.__Of the initial appointees, no 3 consumer representatives
may have the same term length.__The 10 appointed members shall
determine the initial term of the 11th voting member.__After the
initial appointment of members, voting board members serve 3-year
terms.__Board members may serve a maximum of 2 consecutive terms.

4.__Officers.__The Governor shall appoint the first chair of
the board.__Subsequently, the members of the board shall elect
the chair.__A member chosen as chair serves as chair for a length
of time equal to that member's term.

5.__Meetings.__The board shall meet at times and places as it
determines necessary to operate the alliance in accordance with
this section.__To the extent that it does not interfere with the
alliance's effectiveness at performing its purchasing functions,
including, but not limited to, planning negotiation strategy,
negotiating with carriers and settling personnel matters, the
board shall conduct meetings open to alliance members.

6.__Standard of performance.__The board shall discharge its
duties with the care, skill, prudence and diligence as that of
prudent directors acting in a similar enterprise and with a
similar purpose.

7.__Personal liability.__The members of the board and officers
or employees of the alliance are not liable personally, either
jointly or severally, for any debt or obligation created or
incurred by the alliance.

8.__Powers and duties.__The board has the powers and duties
set forth in section 3404 regarding operation of the alliance.

9.__Compensation.__Board members are entitled to compensation
for expenses only.

§3404.__Powers and duties of the board

The board has the following powers and duties.

1.__Contracts with carriers.__The board may enter into
contracts with eligible carriers to provide health care coverage
to enrollees.

2.__Contracts with independent contractors.__The board may
contract with qualified, independent contractors for services
necessary to carry out the powers and duties of the alliance.__
Unless permission is granted specifically by the board, an
independent contractor hired by the alliance may not release,
publish or otherwise use any information to which the independent
contractor has access under its contract.__Except with the
express written approval of the board, an entity may not act,
directly or through an affiliated person, both as a participating
carrier and an independent contractor under contract to the

3.__Contracts generally.__The board may enter into any
contracts necessary to carry out the powers and duties of this

4.__Legal action.__The board may sue or be sued, including
taking any action necessary for securing legal remedies for, on
behalf of or against the alliance, alliance members, any board
member or other parties subject to this chapter.

5.__Executive director; staff.__The board shall appoint an
executive director to serve as the chief operating officer of the
alliance and to perform those duties delegated to the executive
director by the board.__The executive director serves at the
pleasure of the board.__The executive director may employ other
staff as needed to administer the alliance, subject to the
personnel policies established by the board.

6.__Premium assessment.__The board may assess alliance members
a reasonable assessment for costs incurred or anticipated in
connection with the operation of the alliance.

7.__Advisory committees.__The board may appoint advisory
committees that may include persons with expertise in health
benefits management and representatives of participating
carriers, consumer groups and health care providers necessary to
carry out the purposes of this chapter.

8.__Reports and record. The board shall prepare an annual
report on the operations of the alliance that must include annual
internal and independent audits and an accounting of all outside
revenue received by the board.__The board shall submit the annual
report to the Governor, the joint standing committee of the
Legislature having jurisdiction over insurance matters and the
State Auditor no later than January 15th of each year.

9.__Grants.__The board may receive and accept grants, funds or
anything of value from any public or private agency and receive
and accept contributions from any legitimate source of money,
property, labor or any other thing of value.__However, the board
may not accept grants from any carrier, agent or health care
provider or other person or entity that might have a financial
interest in the decisions of the board.

10.__Risk selection. The board may not use health status as a
condition of participation in the alliance.

11.__Other powers. The board may carry out all other powers
and responsibilities granted or imposed by this chapter.

§3405.__Operation of the alliance

The board shall establish and implement standards and
procedures for the operation of the alliance, including, but not
limited to, the following.

1.__Eligibility of carriers.__The board shall establish
conditions and procedures for determining the eligibility of
carriers, including, but not limited to, those conditions set
forth in section 3406.

2.__Report cards.__The board shall develop a uniform format
for report cards to be prepared and provided by participating
carriers.__The report cards must include data necessary for
evaluation of the performance of participating carriers and their
provider networks by consumers, providers, employers and the
board, including, but not limited to, information on consumer
satisfaction, service utilization and the cost of the health
benefit plan over time.__In formulating the report card format,
the board shall use standards based on and consistent with
existing state and national health care data collection
initiatives and shall take into account the feasibility and cost-
effectiveness of those standards.__The board shall also develop
standards and procedures for reviewing and auditing the report
cards before publication and distribution to current and
potential alliance members.

3.__Eligibility of employers and participating consumers.__The
board shall establish conditions for enrollment and
participation, including payment of premiums.__For employers,
including the self-employed, these conditions must include, but
are not limited to, assurances that, for each employer, all
employees or an entire class or classes of employees are enrolled
in the alliance.__The board shall also set a minimum employer
contribution for employer participation.

4.__Enrollment procedures. The board shall establish standard
enrollment procedures, including, but not limited to, ongoing
enrollment for those joining the alliance, procedures that allow
participating consumers to change participating carriers for good
cause and annual open enrollment for participating consumers that
desire to change health benefit plans or participating carriers
without good cause.__The board shall provide that each
participating consumer may enroll in any health benefit plan
offered by any participating carrier, so long as the carrier
provides coverage where that participating consumer lives.__The
board shall establish rules for reenrollment within 90 days if
coverage was terminated involuntarily.__The board shall define
"involuntary termination" to include loss of coverage resulting
from job loss, divorce and other causes, and to exclude
termination for nonpayment and other causes, as it considers
appropriate.__For other than involuntary termination, the board
may deny reenrollment for a period of up to 12 months.

5.__Quality performance reports.__The board shall develop
uniform standards for the collection of data to be provided by
participating carriers.__The board shall collect data necessary
for evaluating the performance of participating carriers and
their provider networks.__The board may develop methods of
quality analysis for analyzing the data for use within quality
performance reports. The board may use the reports for
determining the qualifications of plans.__The board shall use
standards based on and consistent with existing state and
national health care data collection initiatives and shall take
into account the feasibility and cost-effectiveness of those
standards.__To the extent feasible, the board shall use the
quality performance reports to work with participating carriers
and their provider networks to improve the quality and cost-
effectiveness of the care provided.__The board may consult a
quality improvement foundation designated by an independent state
health data organization to assist the board in the evaluation of
the quality and appropriateness of care for participating
providers.__At its discretion, the board may publish all or part
of the quality performance reports.

6.__Collection of premium; payment of rates.__The board shall
establish procedures for the collection of premiums from
participating employers, from enrolled employees, as necessary,
and from enrolled individuals.__To the extent feasible, the board
shall allow participating consumers to pay through a voluntary
automatic payment system.__The board shall pay contracted rates
to participating carriers on a monthly basis or as otherwise
provided by mutual agreement.

7.__Administrative and accounting procedures.__The board shall
establish administrative and accounting procedures for operating
the alliance and for providing services to alliance members.

8.__Risk pools.__The board shall develop standards for
classifying groups of participating consumers into risk pools.__
The risk pools may include one or more risk pools for enrolled
employees and their dependents and a risk pool for enrolled
individuals and their dependents.__No later than January 1, 2003,
the board shall determine whether to merge the risk pools.__Each
year after the year 2003 that the risk pools remain separate, the
board shall reassess the value of maintaining separate risk

9.__Risk adjustment.__The board may establish a procedure for
adjusting payments within each risk pool to participating
carriers if the board finds that some carriers have a
significantly disproportionate share of high-risk or low-risk

10.__Ombudsman services.__The board shall establish procedures
for assisting enrollees in resolving problems associated with
enrollment, coverage and other disputes arising between the
carrier and the enrollee that are not otherwise resolved by
available grievance procedures.

11.__Marketing; marketing materials.__The board shall develop
standards for reviewing and approving marketing materials offered
to alliance members by participating carriers.__The board shall
establish procedures for distributing marketing information to
alliance members and potential alliance members.

12.__Health benefit plans.__Subject to the insurance laws of
this State, the board shall establish no more than 10 health
benefit plans that may be sold within the alliance.__At least one
health benefit plan must offer coverage equivalent to the state
employee health plan as defined under Title 5, section 285.__At
least one health benefit plan must be a fee-for-service policy.__
For at least one fee-for-service health benefit plan, there must
be an actuarially equivalent managed care health benefit plan.__
The alliance may establish supplemental benefit plans that may be
offered through the alliance.__The supplemental plans may cover
services not covered in the health benefit plans.

13.__Underserved areas.__The board shall develop standards for
designating underserved and rural populations and shall develop
standards for determining when a carrier has made all best
efforts to extend its service area to and improve access for
those populations.__When applicable, all best efforts include
good faith negotiation with providers serving underserved and
rural populations.

14.__Producers.__The board may establish relationships with
producers to facilitate the purchase of health care coverage
through the alliance.__The board may offer training and
information programs to educate producers on alliance operations
and products.

§3406.__Eligible carriers

1.__Qualifications.__To be eligible as a participating
carrier, a carrier must be able to demonstrate the following
operating characteristics to the board's satisfaction.

A.__The carrier must be licensed by the bureau as authorized
to operate in this State.

B.__The carrier must have the ability to provide alliance
enrollees with adequate capacity and reasonable access to
covered services in any part of the State where that carrier
is authorized to do business.

C.__The carrier must have established grievance procedures
in accordance with Title 24-A, chapter 56-A.

D.__If the carrier does not have a license to operate in all
parts of this State, the carrier must have demonstrated that
it has made all best efforts to extend its service area to,
and improve access for, rural and underserved populations
designated by the board.

E.__The carrier must have the ability, to the satisfaction
of the board, to provide the data necessary for reviewing
the quality and appropriateness of the care provided.

2.__Selection of carriers.__In evaluating which eligible
carriers may participate in the alliance, the board shall
consider, in addition to other factors it considers relevant, the
following factors:

A.__Pricing and competitiveness of each bid from a carrier;

B.__The effect of contracting with additional carriers on
the administrative costs of the alliance and on alliance
members, the efficiency of the alliance and the
competitiveness of the premiums that will be paid to
participating carriers; and

C.__Evidence of quality of care and consumer satisfaction.

3.__Participation.__A participating carrier shall:

A.__Offer one or more standardized health benefit plans
authorized by the board pursuant to section 3405, subsection

B.__Provide for collection and reporting to the alliance of
information on the effectiveness and outcomes of the health
benefit plan in providing selected services;

C.__Accept and renew each health benefit plan with respect
to each participating consumer, except in the following

(1)__Nonpayment of the required premiums;

(2)__Willful or deliberate fraud or material
misrepresentation by the alliance member; and

(3)__Election by the participating carrier to terminate
its contract with the alliance.__The carrier shall
provide to the alliance, the bureau and to affected
participating consumers, notice of the carrier's
decision to terminate its contract with the alliance at
least 180 days prior to the nonrenewal of any health
benefit plan;

D.__Comply with all rules regarding rating, underwriting,
claims handling, sales, solicitation, licensing, fair
marketing, unfair trade practices and other provisions in
this Title and Title 24-A established by the alliance or
adopted by the bureau;

E.__Consistent with the standards set forth in paragraph C,
enroll and disenroll participating consumers and dependents
as directed by the alliance or its designee;

F.__Agree not to offer lower premium prices to nonmembers of
the alliance for the actuarial equivalent of any health
benefit plan that the carrier sells to participating
consumers; and

G.__Comply with any other requirement established by the
board pursuant to this chapter or pursuant to the contract
between the alliance and the participating carrier.

4.__Failure to maintain compliance. The board may suspend or
revoke the eligibility of any carrier that fails to maintain
compliance with the requirements listed in this section.

§3407.__Producer commissions

Commissions paid to a producer for coverage purchased through
the alliance must be collected by the producer directly from the
purchaser of the producer's services and may not be considered
part of the premium collected by the alliance.__A producer may
not be paid a commission calculated as a percentage of actual
premium cost.__The producer may be paid a commission calculated
as a percentage of average premium cost for the relevant
enrollment period.__The board shall determine an average premium
cost for the relevant enrollment period.

§3408.__Effective date

This chapter takes effect January 1, 2002.


This bill establishes a purchasing alliance to allow small
employers and uninsured individuals access to health insurance on
an aggregate group basis.

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