LD 502
pg. 2
Page 1 of 2 An Act to Create the Right to Fish LD 502 Title Page
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LR 1583
Item 1

4.__Complaint resolution. The commissioner shall investigate all
complaints involving a commercial fishing activity or commercial
fishing operation.__If the commissioner finds that the person
responsible for the activity or operation is using appropriate
environmental practices, the commissioner shall notify that person
and the complainant of this finding in writing.__If the
commissioner identifies the source or sources of the problem and
finds that the nuisance is caused by the use of other than
appropriate environmental practices, the commissioner shall:

A.__Determine the changes needed in the commercial fishing
activity or commercial fishing operation to comply with
appropriate environmental practices and prescribe site-
specific practices for that activity or operation;

B.__Advise the person responsible for the commercial fishing
activity or commercial fishing operation of the changes, as
determined in paragraph A, that are necessary to comply with
appropriate environmental practices and determine
subsequently if those changes are implemented; and

C.__Give the findings of the initial investigation and
subsequent investigations and any determination of
compliance to the complainant and person responsible for the
commercial fishing activity or commercial fishing operation.

5.__Failure to adopt appropriate environmental practices.__If
the person responsible for the commercial fishing activity or
commercial fishing operation does not apply appropriate
environmental practices as required by the commissioner, the
commissioner shall send a written report to the Attorney General
and to the appropriate agency if a federal or state law has been
violated.__The Attorney General may institute an action to abate
a nuisance, and the court may order the abatement with costs as
provided under section 2702.

6.__Rules.__The commissioner shall adopt rules in accordance
with the Maine Administrative Procedure Act to interpret and
implement this section.__Rules adopted pursuant to this section
are routine technical rules as defined in Title 5, chapter 375,
subchapter II-A.


This bill creates a right-to-fish law that is similar to
Maine's right-to-farm law. It provides that a commercial fishing
activity or commercial fishing operation is not a nuisance if the

activity or operation predates a change in the land use or
occupancy of land within one mile of the activity or operation or
if the activity or operation conforms to appropriate
environmental practices as determined by the Commissioner of
Marine Resources.

It directs the Commissioner of Marine Resources to investigate
all complaints involving a commercial fishing activity or
commercial fishing operation and to recommend changes to comply
with appropriate environmental practices. It also provides that
failure to apply appropriate environmental practices may result
in an action to abate a nuisance.

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