LD 1214
pg. 1
LD 1214 Title Page An Act to Encourage the Use of Locally Grown Foods in School Food Service Progr... LD 1214 Title Page
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LR 1260
Item 1

Be it enacted by the People of the State of Maine as follows:

Sec. 1. 20-A MRSA §6602, sub-§12 is enacted to read:

12.__Local produce.__The State shall match one dollar for
every $3 a school administrative district pays for food grown in
the State, to a maximum state contribution of $1,000.__At the end
of the fiscal year, the school administrative unit shall provide
the department with receipts documenting the food grown in the
State purchased by the school administrative unit during that


This bill provides that the State match one dollar for every
$3 a school administrative unit spends on local produce for the
school administrative unit's food service programs.

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