LD 1235
pg. 2
Page 1 of 2 An Act to Speed Up the Decision Process on Workers' Compensation Claims LD 1235 Title Page
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LR 1672
Item 1

officer employed by the board at such towns and cities
geographically distributed throughout the State as the board
designates. If the designated place of hearing is more than 10
miles from the place where the injury occurred, the employer shall
provide transportation or reimburse the employee for reasonable
mileage in traveling within the State to and from the hearing. The
amount allowed for travel is determined by the board and awarded
separately in the decree.

Sec. 5. 39-A MRSA §321, sub-§1, as enacted by PL 1991, c. 885, Pt. A,
§8 and affected by §§9 to 11, is amended to read:

1. Agreements. Upon the petition of either party at any
time, the board may annul any agreement that has been approved by
the board if it finds that the agreement has been entered into
through mistake of fact by the petitioner or through fraud.
Except in the case of fraud on the part of the employee, an
employee is not barred by any time limit from filing a petition
to have the matters covered by the agreement determined in
accordance with this Act as though the agreement had not been
approved. A hearing on a petition filed under this subsection
must be held within 7 days of the filing of the petition with at
least 3 days' notice given to all parties or to the attorney of
record for each party.

Sec. 6. 39-A MRSA §324, sub-§1, as enacted by PL 1991, c. 885, Pt. A,
§8 and affected by §§9 to 11, is amended to read:

1. Order or decision. The employer or insurance carrier
shall make compensation payments within 10 7 days after the
receipt of notice of an approved agreement for payment of
compensation or within 10 7 days after any order or decision of
the board awarding compensation. If the board enters a decision
awarding compensation and an appeal is filed with the Law Court
pursuant to section 322, payments may not be suspended while the
appeal is pending. The employer or insurer may recover from an
employee payments made pending appeal to the Law Court if and to
the extent that the Law Court has decided that the employee was
not entitled to the compensation paid. The board has full
jurisdiction to determine the amount of overpayment, if any, and
the amount and schedule of repayment, if any. The board, in
determining whether or not repayment should be made and the
extent and schedule of repayment, shall consider the financial
situation of the employee and the employee's family and may not
order repayment that would work hardship or injustice.


This bill speeds up the workers' compensation process by


1. Mediation within 7 days of notice of controversy;

2. The mediator to issue the mediation report within 7 days;

3. The Workers' Compensation Board to hold a hearing within 7
days of receipt of the mediator's report;

4. The Workers' Compensation Board to hold a hearing within 7
days of receipt of a petition to reopen the case;

5. The insurance company or employer to begin paying
compensation within 7 days of receipt of an approved agreement or
order from the Workers' Compensation Board; and

6. The Workers' Compensation Board to maintain a staffed
telephone number to provide assistance to employees filing

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