LD 1251
pg. 2
Page 1 of 2 An Act to Enhance the Observance of Veterans' Holidays LD 1251 Title Page
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LR 361
Item 1

11th; Thanksgiving Day and; or Christmas Day. Notwithstanding this
section, a facility engaged in a manufacturing enterprise, as
defined in Title 10, section 963-A, subsection 32, may not operate
on: Memorial Day, the last Monday in May, but if the Federal
Government designates May 30th as the date for observance of
Memorial Day, May 30th; Independence Day, July 4th; or Veterans'
Day, November 11th.


This bill requires stores having more than 5,000 square feet
of interior customer selling space and manufacturing facilities
to be closed on Memorial Day, July 4th and Veterans' Day.

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