LD 1267
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Page 1 of 2 An Act to Discourage Sales of Tobacco to Minors LD 1267 Title Page
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LR 1865
Item 1

violation. For a violation, the court shall impose a fine
that may not be suspended, except pursuant to Title 15,
section 3314.

Sec. 4. 22 MRSA §1555-B, sub-§8, ¶B, as amended by PL 1997, c. 393, Pt.
D, §1, is further amended to read:

B. A person who violates subsection 5 commits a civil
violation for which the following forfeitures may be

(1) For a first offense, a forfeiture of not less than
$100 and not more than $300 may be imposed. The judge,
as an alternative to or in addition to the forfeiture
permitted by this subparagraph, may assign the violator
to perform specified work for the benefit of the State,
the municipality or other public entity or a charitable

(2) For a 2nd offense, a forfeiture of not less than
$200 and not more than $500 may be imposed. The judge,
as an alternative to or in addition to the forfeiture
permitted by this subparagraph, may assign the violator
to perform specified work for the benefit of the State,
the municipality or other public entity or a charitable

(3) For all subsequent offenses, a forfeiture of $500
must be imposed and that forfeiture may not be
suspended. The judge, in addition to the forfeiture
permitted by this subparagraph, may assign the violator
to perform specified work for the benefit of the State,
the municipality or other public entity or a charitable

(4)__The court may suspend, for a period of up to 6
months, the license or permit to operate a motor
vehicle, the right to operate a motor vehicle and the
right to apply for and obtain a license.__The court
shall give notice of suspension and take physical
custody of an operator's license or permit as provided
in Title 29-A, section 2434.__The court shall
immediately forward the operator's license and a
certified abstract of suspension to the Secretary of

Sec. 5. 22 MRSA §1558, sub-§9 is enacted to read:

9.__Uniformity.__All fines, suspensions and revocations must
be applied evenly and fairly regardless of volume of business
transacted by or number of licenses held by a licensee.


This bill discourages the illegal sale of tobacco products to
minors by ensuring that both the person who makes the sale and
the owner of the establishment are prosecuted. The bill further
penalizes minors for attempting to purchase tobacco and gives the
court the authority to suspend a minor's driver's license after
adjudication. The bill also provides uniformity in penalties for
all tobacco sellers.

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