LD 1360
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LR 1702
Item 1

1. Membership. The task force consists of 20 members appointed
as follows:

A. The President of the Senate and the President Pro
Tempore of the Senate shall appoint 2 members of the Senate
and 6 representatives from the private sector;

B. The Speaker of the House shall appoint 2 members of the
House, 5 representatives from the private sector and one
representative from organized labor;

C. The Chancellor of the University of Maine System or the
chancellor's designee;

D. The President of the Maine Technical College System or
the president's designee;

E. The Commissioner of Education or the commissioner's
designee; and

F. The Commissioner of Economic and Community Development
or the commissioner's designee.

2. Chair. The task force is cochaired by one member of the
Senate selected by the President of the Senate and the President
Pro Tempore of the Senate and one member of the House selected by
the Speaker of the House. The cochairs must be selected from
among the members appointed under subsection 1.

3. Staff assistance. The work of the task force must be
coordinated by staff of the Office of Policy and Legal Analysis.

4. Compensation. The members of the task force who are
Legislators are entitled to reimbursement of travel and necessary
related expenses incurred for their attendance at meetings of the
task force.

5. Report. The task force shall begin its work no later than
April 16, 2001 and shall submit its findings and recommendations
no later than November 1, 2001 to the President of the Senate,
the President Pro Tempore of the Senate and the Speaker of the
House; and be it further

Emergency clause. In view of the emergency cited in the preamble,
this resolve takes effect when approved.


This resolve establishes a task force to examine the
continuing education levels and training required for people in
the current work force to assist them in obtaining high-skill,
high-wage jobs in the State.

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