LD 1402
pg. 1
LD 1402 Title Page An Act to Clarify and Update the Security Requirements for Employers Self-insur... Page 2 of 2
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Item 1

Be it enacted by the People of the State of Maine as follows:

Sec. 1. 39-A MRSA §403, sub-§8, ķA, as amended by PL 1995, c. 594, §4,
is repealed and the following enacted in its place:

A. Each individual self-insurer shall post a bond, security
deposit or letter of credit in an amount that, except as
otherwise provided in this paragraph, is no less than the
loss and loss adjustment expense portion of the annual
standard premium, as defined in section 404, subsection 4,
paragraph E, for the prospective fiscal coverage period plus
outstanding incurred liabilities minus recoveries from all
reinsurance and subrogation reduced to net collections.__
Outstanding incurred liabilities for an individual self-
insurer must be developed to ultimate from a current
actuarial evaluation of undischarged claims and claims
settlement liabilities performed by a casualty actuary who
is a member of the American Academy of Actuaries or its
successor organization, except that if a current actuarial
evaluation is not available the outstanding incurred
liabilities may be developed from current case reserves by
applying the ratio of ultimate loss and claim settlement
reserves to current loss and claim settlement reserves from
the most recent actuarial evaluation.

(1)__A self-insurer's minimum required security level
may not be less than $50,000.

(2)__The minimum required security level for a self-
insurer with consistently reported outstanding case
reserves less than $500,000 is 25% of the annual
standard premium for the prospective fiscal coverage
period, plus outstanding incurred liabilities, minus
recoveries from all reinsurance and subrogation reduced
to net collections.__Outstanding incurred liabilities
may be estimated by applying a development ratio of 2.5
to current case reserves.

(3)__An individual self-insurer may reduce its minimum
required security level by an amount not to exceed the
self-insurer's demonstrated working capital, as
determined by the Superintendent of Insurance on the
basis of a current audited statement of financial
condition, as long as:

(a)__The self-insurer has a tangible net worth
equal to or in excess of $10,000,000;

(b)__The self-insurer has had positive net earnings demonstrated
by certified statements of

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