LD 1402
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Item 1

financial condition audited by a certified public
accountant for at least 3 of the 5 latest fiscal
years, including one of the 2 most recent years, and
its mean annual earnings for the 5 latest fiscal
years are at least equal to the normal annual
premium for the prospective fiscal coverage period,
or it was eligible to make an alternative election,
under Statement of Financial Accounting Standard No.
106, Employers' Accounting for Postretirement
Benefits Other Than Pensions, that would have
otherwise satisfied these earnings requirements;

(c)__The reduction does not exceed $10,000,000 and
does not reduce the minimum required security
level below $100,000; and

(d)__The self-insurer is not organized as a sole
proprietorship, partnership or limited liability
company, except that the superintendent may
authorize a limited liability company to deduct
demonstrated working capital from its minimum
required security level by rules adopted under
this section.__Rules adopted pursuant to this
section are routine technical rules pursuant to
Title 5, chapter 375, subchapter II-A.

(4) With the superintendent's approval, affiliated
individual self-insurers may post security on a
consolidated basis.

Within 30 days after receiving notice from the
superintendent, the self-insurer shall post the required
bond, security deposit or letter of credit.__This deadline
may be extended by the superintendent for good cause, but
may not exceed one year from the deadline for compliance as
stated in the notice given to the self-insurer.

A bond, security deposit or letter of credit in excess of
the amount prescribed by this subsection may be required if
the superintendent determines that the self-insurer has
experienced a deterioration in financial condition that
adversely affects the self-insurer's ability to pay expected

A judgment creditor other than a claimant for benefits under
this Act does not have a right to levy upon the self-
insurer's assets held in deposit pursuant to this paragraph.

Sec. 2. 39-A MRSA §404, sub-§4, ¶D, as enacted by PL 1991, c. 885, Pt.
A, §8 and affected by §§9 to 11, is amended to read:

D. No An individual self-insurer may not be assessed in any
calendar year an amount greater than 2.5% of the annual
standard premium that would have been paid by that self-
insurer during the prior calendar year. No A group self-
insurer may not be assessed in any calendar year an amount
greater than .25% of the total annual standard premium that
would have been paid by all the members of that group self-
insurer during the prior calendar year. If the maximum
assessment does not provide in any one year an amount
sufficient to make all necessary payments, the funds
available must be prorated and the unpaid portion must be
paid as soon thereafter as funds become available. If the
association exhausts its financial resources, the caps in
this paragraph and paragraph C do not apply, and individual
and group self-insurers must be assessed proportionately in
the same manner as provided in paragraph C.

There must be established in the plan of operations a
mechanism to calculate the assessments required by this
section by a simple and equitable means to convert from any
policy or fund years year that are is different from a
calendar year.


This bill changes the security and assessment provisions for
self-insured employers in order to address financial risks
currently borne by injured workers and self-insured employers as
a result of the current structure of the Maine Self-Insurance
Guarantee Association assessment mechanism.

It changes the basis for calculating the minimum security
requirements to an actuarially determined liability in place of
the case reserves that are used under current law and limits the
unsecured liability that may be authorized under the working
capital offset to $10,000,000, a level equal to 5 times the Maine
Self-Insurance Guarantee Association funding cap. The bill also
authorizes the Maine Self-Insurance Guarantee Association to levy
assessments in excess of the otherwise-applicable limits when
necessary to avoid a default in benefit payments to injured

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