LD 1595
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Page 1 of 2 An Act to Increase the Number of Licensed Speech-Language Pathologists to Serve... LD 1595 Title Page
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LR 1595
Item 1

presents the individual to the public by any title or description
of services incorporating the words speech pathologist, speech
therapist, speech correctionist, speech clinician, language
pathologist, language therapist, logopedist, communicologist, voice
therapist, voice pathologist or any similar title or description of

7. Speech-language pathology.__"Speech-language pathology"
means the application of theories, principles and procedures
related to development and disorders of language and speech for
purposes of assessment and treatment of such disorders.

8. Speech-language pathology program.__"Speech-language
pathology program" means a program of instruction in speech-
language pathology that awards a master's degree or its
equivalent, as determined by the board, that is consistent with
the requirements for the American Speech and Hearing Association
Certificate of Clinical Competency in Speech Pathology and
Audiology or its equivalent at an accredited institution of
higher education or at a course-offering institution that has
articulated an agreement with an accredited institution of higher
education.__The board may establish the requirements for academic
course work, supervised clinical practice, supervised
professional employment and written examinations.

9.__Stafford loan.__"Stafford loan" means an education loan
issued under the Robert T. Stafford Loan Program.

§12312.__Maine Speech-Language Education Loan Forgiveness Program

1.__Establishment. The Maine Speech-Language Education Loan
Forgiveness Program, referred to in this chapter as the
"program," is established.__The authority shall administer the
program.__Under this program, beginning in fiscal year 2001-02,
the chief executive officer shall award up to 10 new loan
repayment agreements annually.

2.__Application process.__Application must be made directly to
the authority by a person who seeks to participate in the

3.__Eligibility.__A person who meets the eligibility criteria
established by rule of the authority is eligible to participate
in the program.__At a minimum, the criteria must include that:

A.__The applicant must be a Maine resident;

B.__The applicant must be a graduate of a speech-language
pathology program;

C.__The applicant must be licensed as a speech-language
pathologist in the State;

D.__The applicant must be employed by a public school as a
speech-language pathologist; and

E.__The applicant must have an outstanding Stafford loan.

Priority must be given to an applicant who previously received a
loan repayment agreement pursuant to this section.

4.__Maximum amount.__The maximum loan repayment amount
available to each participant in the program is $10,000 per year
for each year up to 2 years the participant works in a public
school as a licensed speech-language pathologist and has
outstanding Stafford loans.

5.__Loan repayment agreement.__An accepted applicant who
participates in the program shall enter into a loan repayment
agreement as provided in this subsection.

A.__The participant shall obtain employment as a licensed
speech-language pathologist in a public school and promise
to remain in that position for one academic year.

B.__The authority shall provide to the participant a letter
evidencing repayment of the participant's outstanding
Stafford loan indebtedness for speech-language pathologist
education at the rate established in subsection 4 per year
of service for up to 2 years as long as the participant
continues to practice as a licensed speech-language
pathologist in a public school.

6.__Default.__A participant in the program who agrees to
practice in a public school and who fails to complete the period
of service required to pay off a loan is liable to the authority
for an amount equal to the sum of the total amount paid by the
authority to or on behalf of the participant under the loan
repayment agreement under subsection 5 plus interest at a rate
determined by the authority.__Credit for practice in a public
school is awarded for each academic school year served.

A participant may be granted permission to default without
penalty from the loan repayment agreement to serve as a speech-
language pathologist in a public school by petitioning the
authority.__Grounds for permission to default without penalty
include, but are not limited to, catastrophic circumstances that
prevent the recipient from remaining in a public school position
for the required period of time.__The participant receives credit

for the number of months served, and the remaining financial
obligation plus interest must be repaid to the authority in cash
under the terms of the original agreement.

§12313.__Nonlapsing fund

1.__Fund created.__A nonlapsing, interest-earning, revolving
fund under the jurisdiction of the authority is created to carry
out the purposes of this chapter.__Any unexpended balance in the
fund carries over for continued use under this chapter.__The
authority may receive, invest and expend, on behalf of the fund,
money from gifts, grants, bequests and donations in addition to
money appropriated or allocated by the State.__Loan forgiveness
repayments to the authority must be invested by the authority, as
provided by law, with the earned income to be added to the fund.__
Money received by the authority on behalf of the fund, except
interest income, must be used for the purposes of the program.__
Interest income may be used for the purposes of the program, for
the purpose specified in subsection 2 or for the payment of
student financial assistance administrative costs incurred by the
authority for the operation of the program.

2.__Allocation of interest income.__The authority may
reallocate a portion of the interest income for the purpose of
recruiting speech-language pathologists for public school

§12314.__Board of Examiners on Speech-language Pathology and


The Board of Examiners on Speech-language Pathology and
Audiology, as established by Title 5, section 12004-A, subsection
39, shall assist the chief executive officer in evaluating and
improving the program.


The authority shall establish rules necessary to implement
this chapter.__Rules adopted pursuant to this section are routine
technical rules as defined in Title 5, chapter 375, subchapter

Sec. 2. 20-A MRSA §12501, sub-§2-A, as enacted by PL 1999, c. 441, §2,
is amended to read:

2-A. Educator shortage area. "Educator shortage area" means
a geographic region of the State for which there is an
insufficient supply of teachers or speech pathologists, as
determined by the chief executive officer in consultation with
the commissioner.

Sec. 3. 20-A MRSA §12501, sub-§6-A, as amended by PL 1999, c. 441, §3,
is further amended to read:

6-A. Students pursuing postbaccalaureate certification.
"Students pursuing postbaccalaureate certification" means
students who have earned a Bachelor of Arts degree or its
equivalent and are pursuing a program of studies leading to
certification as a teacher or speech pathologist.

Sec. 4. 20-A MRSA §12501, sub-§7, as amended by PL 1999, c. 441, §5,
is further amended to read:

7. Underserved subject areas. "Underserved subject areas"
means those subjects or programs, required or authorized to be
taught in the public schools for which there is an insufficient
supply of teachers or speech pathologists, as determined by the
chief executive officer in consultation with the commissioner.

Sec. 5. 20-A MRSA §12502, as repealed and replaced by PL 1999, c.
783, §3, is amended to read:

§12502. Educators for Maine Program

There is established the Educators for Maine Program to
provide financial assistance to college students, graduating high
school seniors and students pursuing postbaccalaureate
certification, child development associate certification or an
associate's degree in child development who demonstrate an
interest in pursuing a career in teaching in this State for
postsecondary education and to teachers and speech pathologists
for advanced-degree or continued study. The program recognizes
outstanding graduating high school seniors, college students and
students pursuing postbaccalaureate certification or child
development associate certification or an associate's degree in
child development. The chief executive officer shall administer
the program and shall establish by rule the rates of interest or
fees to be charged.

Sec. 6. 20-A MRSA §12504, 2nd ¶, as amended by PL 1999, c. 783, §4,
is further amended to read:

Loans of up to $1,500 per academic year or $6,000 total may be
made to students pursuing postbaccalaureate certification. Loans
of up to $3,000 per academic year or $12,000 total may be made to
eligible graduating high school seniors and college students.
Loans of up to $3,000 per academic year or $6,000 total may be
made to eligible child development students pursuing an
associate's degree in child development, and loans of up to
$3,000 total but not exceeding the cost of tuition, books and

fees may be made to child development students pursuing a child
development associate certification. An individual who has
received a Educators for Maine loan or a Blaine House Scholars
Program loan as a graduating high school senior or as a college
student may also receive a loan for students pursuing
postbaccalaureate certification or as a teacher or speech
pathologist engaged in graduate education or continuing
education. In no event may an individual receive more than
$18,000 in total. Loans for undergraduate students,
postbaccalaureate recipients and child development students
pursuing an associate's degree in child development are for one
academic year and are automatically renewed if the recipient
maintains a grade point average of 2.5 based on a 4.0 grade point
system or the equivalent.

Sec. 7. 20-A MRSA §12505, sub-§2, as amended by PL 1999, c. 441, §9,
is further amended to read:

2. Eligibility for graduate study or continuing education
loans. A graduate study or continuing education loan may be
given only to a teacher or speech pathologist in a Maine school
who has met other eligibility criteria established by rule of the
chief executive officer. Preference must be given to teachers of
subjects determined to be underserved.

Sec. 8. 20-A MRSA §12508, as amended by PL 1999, c. 441, §11, is
further amended to read:

§12508. Repayment and return service provisions -

loans for teachers and students pursuing

postbaccalaureate certification

Each recipient of a loan designated for students pursuing
postbaccalaureate certification may cancel the total amount of
the loan by completing one year of return service for each year a
loan is received in the public schools or private schools
approved for tuition purposes in the State. The return service
requirement is one year of return service for 2 loans received if
return service is performed in underserved subject areas or in
educator shortage areas. Return service for this purpose must be
performed within 3 years of graduation from the institution of
higher education or completion of the course or courses for which
the funds were given. In no event may return service be credited
for the same semester for which an individual receives a loan
pursuant to this chapter. An individual receiving loan
forgiveness for a loan for a postbaccalaureate certification loan
may not receive loan forgiveness for any undergraduate loan
simultaneously. If the chief executive officer grants a
deferment, the time period for performance of return service may
be extended for the same period as the deferment. Failure to

fulfill the return service option will necessitate repayment to
the authority as follows.

1. Debt calculation. The debt must include the total amount
of the loan less the amount, if any, that has been canceled by
return service.

2. Time for repayment. The total debt must be repaid to the
authority within 3 years of graduation from the institution of
higher education or courses for which the funds were given or
within 3 years of repayment of any other loans made pursuant to
this chapter. If the chief executive officer grants a deferment,
the time period may be extended up to the period of the
deferment. A repayment schedule including due dates must be set
by the chief executive officer.

3. Deferment. A recipient of a loan may seek a deferment of
the annual payments for a period or periods as established by the
chief executive officer who shall make a determination on a case-
by-case basis. The chief executive officer may grant a deferment
in the event that a recipient of a loan evidences intent to teach
or practice speech pathology and inability to secure employment
necessary to obtain forgiveness of the loan at the time the
deferment is sought. The chief executive officer shall require
certification of the intent annually and grant a one-year
deferment for each successful request for deferment. A recipient
may not receive more than 5 one-year deferments. The decision of
the chief executive officer is final.


This bill establishes a loan forgiveness program for Maine
residents who are licensed speech-language pathologists who have
outstanding Stafford loans incurred while obtaining a master's
degree in speech-language pathology and who agree to practice in
public schools in the State. A licensed speech-language
pathologist who agrees to practice for one academic year in a
public school is entitled to forgiveness of a maximum amount of
$10,000 in outstanding Stafford loans for each year the speech-
language pathologist continues to practice in that position up to
a maximum of 2 years.

This bill also removes speech pathologists from inclusion in
the Educators for Maine Program.

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