LD 1689
pg. 2
Page 1 of 2 An Act to Amend the State's Abortion Reporting Law LD 1689 Title Page
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LR 418
Item 1

(9)__A list and description of secondary abortion
procedures used;

(10)__Any abortion-related complications;

(11)__Whether maternal death resulted from abortion

(12)__Whether anesthesia was used and the specific

(13)__The medical reason, if any, for the abortion;

(14)__The reason given by the mother for requesting

(15)__The number of previous abortions the mother has

(16)__The time, place and method of disposal of the
aborted fetus; and

(17)__Whether the fetus was dead or alive when

B.__The physician performing the abortion shall complete the
reporting form with the information required under paragraph
A, sign the form and file it with the department within 10
days after the end of the month in which the abortion was

C.__The department shall publish a report each year
containing the following information:

(1)__The total number of abortions performed that year;

(2)__The ages of the women having abortions;

(3)__The number of previous abortions the women had;

(4)__A breakdown of abortion procedures by weeks since
the last menstrual period;

(5)__The reasons for abortions;

(6)__Number and types of abortion-related complications
and number of abortion-related deaths; and

(7)__The number of violations of the reporting

The department shall make the report available to the public
at no charge, and available on the department's publicly
accessible site on the Internet.

D.__The identity of a patient or a physician reporting
pursuant to this subsection is confidential.__The department
shall take steps necessary to ensure the confidentiality of
patients and physicians, unless there is a suspected
violation of this subsection, in which case the department
shall report the name of the physician to law enforcement
officials responsible for investigating and enforcing this

E.__A physician who fails to report the required information
commits a Class D crime.

F.__A person who falsifies or alters an abortion reporting
form commits a civil violation for which a forfeiture of not
more than $1,000 may be adjudged.__The penalty for failure
to comply with the abortion reporting requirements pursuant
to this subsection must be stated on the printed abortion
reporting forms.

G.__Repeated or willful underreporting under this subsection
results in referral to the Board of Licensure in Medicine
for appropriate penalty.

Nothing in this subsection may be construed to create a right to
have an abortion.


This bill revises the abortion reporting law to require the
reporting of very specific information about each abortion
performed while maintaining the confidentiality of the patients
and physicians. It requires the Department of Human Services to
compile the information and make a report available on an annual
basis. Failure to report as required is a Class D crime.
Falsifying or altering a reporting form may result in a
forfeiture of up to $1,000.

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