LD 1805
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LD 1805 Title Page An Act to Amend the Charter of Bates College Page 2 of 2
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LR 2568
Item 1

Be it enacted by the People of the State of Maine as follows:

Sec. 1. P&SL 1937, c. 28, §4, first sentence is amended to read:

The said corporation may adopt such by-laws, rules and
regulations, not repugnant to the laws of the state of Maine, as
it may deem determines expedient for the management of the
affairs of the college and for the transaction of its business;
it shall have power to establish in said college such courses of
study, departments and schools as it may elect; it shall appoint
officers, including a treasurer of the corporation, such other
officers of business administration and such officers of
educational administration as it shall deem determines proper,
and all officers of instruction; and subject to the contractual
rights of such appointees, it may remove them at pleasure; it
shall have power to confer such academic degrees as are usually
conferred by colleges or universities.

Sec. 2. P&SL 1937, c. 28, §§5, 6 and 7 are repealed and the following
enacted in their place:

*Sec. 5.__President.__The president must be chosen by the concurring
votes of at least 8 members of the board of fellows and of at
least 13 members of the board of overseers, each board acting
separately.__The president may be removed from office in the same
manner, as long as reasonable notice has been given to the
president in writing specifying the grounds of removal and that,
if requested by the president, opportunity for hearing upon the
specifications has been had before the 2 boards in convention.__
The president is the principal executive officer of the
corporation and the principal academic officer of the college,
and except as authority, duties and responsibilities are or may
be specifically laid upon other persons, the president has
general administration of the affairs of the college.__The
president may, at the pleasure of the president, attend the
separate sessions of the board of fellows and of the board of
overseers.__When attending the sessions, the president shall
participate with the members of these boards in the conduct of
their business, having the right to vote; but these provisions
may not apply when the business under consideration is the
question of the removal of the president from office.

*Sec. 6.__Board of Fellows.__The board of fellows may not at any time
consist of more than 15 members.__Six members, exclusive of the
president, if the president is in attendance, except as otherwise
in this Act specifically provided, constitutes a quorum for the
transaction of business.__The board shall choose a chair and a
vice-chair who shall preside at their meetings and who shall
serve as the chair and vice-chair of the

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