LD 1805
pg. 2
Page 1 of 2 An Act to Amend the Charter of Bates College LD 1805 Title Page
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LR 2568
Item 1

corporation.__The board may adopt such rules for the transaction of
the business of the board as the board determines expedient.__The
board shall choose from or without the membership of the board a
secretary who also serves as the secretary of the corporation.__The
board shall fill all vacancies occurring in the board and may, as
the rules provide, declare a vacancy on the board whenever, in
their judgment, sufficient cause exists.

*Sec. 7.__Board of overseers.__The__board of overseers may not at any
time consist of more than 25 members.__Nine members, exclusive of
the president, if the president is in attendance, except as
otherwise in this Act specifically provided, constitutes a quorum
for the transaction of business.__The board shall choose a chair
and a vice-chair who shall preside at their meetings.__The board
shall choose a secretary, and may adopt such rules for the
transaction of the business of the board as the board determines
expedient.__The terms of office of the overseers continue to
expire in accordance with the provisions of Private and Special
Law 1873, chapter 192, section 7.__At each annual meeting of the
board of overseers, 5 overseers, must be elected for the term of
5 years, 2 of whom must be from persons nominated by the Alumni
Association of Bates College.__The board may, by such procedure
as the rules provide, declare a vacancy on the board whenever, in
their judgment, sufficient cause exists.__The board shall fill
all vacancies occurring in the board, as long as a vacancy
arising from the death, resignation or removal from office of an
overseer who was elected on nomination of the alumni association
is filled only by the election of a person so nominated.

Sec. 3. P&SL 1937, c. 28, §9 is amended to read:

*Sec. 9. Quorum. Except as otherwise in this act specifically
provided, the corporation may transact its business either by the
method of concurrent action taken by the board of fellows and the
board of overseers, meeting in separate session, or by the method
of action taken by the said boards meeting in convention, a
quorum of which shall consist consists of at least 6 fellows and
at least 9 overseers exclusive of the president, if he shall be
the president is in attendance.

Sec. 4. P&SL 1937, c. 28, §10 is repealed and the following enacted in
its place:

*Sec. 10.__Executive committee.__The corporation may appoint from its
number an executive committee of not fewer than 5 members.__The
president is a member of this executive committee.__The chair of
the executive committee is the chair of the board of fellows.__In
the chair's absence the executive committee is chaired by the
vice-chair of the board of fellows or the chair or

vice-chair of the board of overseers, all of whom are members of
the executive committee.__To this executive committee any or all
powers of general administration are delegated to act for and in
behalf of the corporation from one stated meeting to another,
subject to instructions by the corporation at any intervening
meeting.__The corporation may appoint such other committees for
such periods and with such powers as it shall determine proper.

Sec. 5. P&SL 1937, c. 28, §11 is repealed.

Sec. 6. P&SL 1937, c. 28, §§12 and 13 are enacted to read

*Sec. 12.__Transition provisions.__This Act does not affect the tenure of
office of any person holding any office or appointment under the
authority of Private and Special Law 1937, chapter 28.

*Sec. 13.__Applicability of the Maine Nonprofit Corporation Act; governing law.__The
Maine Nonprofit Corporation Act, contained in the Maine Revised
Statutes, Title 13-B, or any successor, applies to this
corporation in all respects, including an amendment to or
restatement of this charter.__Any amendment or restatement of
this charter must be effected pursuant to those provisions of the
Maine Nonprofit Corporation Act, or any successor, that govern
the amendment or restatement of Articles of Incorporation.


This bill amends the charter of Bates College as follows.

It gives the chairs and the vice-chairs of the board of
fellows and the board of overseers the exclusive responsibility
to preside over their respective meetings.

It authorizes the chair and the vice-chair of the board of
fellows to serve as the chair and the vice-chair of the
corporation, and for the chair of the board of fellows to preside
over the executive committee. In the chair's absence, the vice-
chair of the board of fellows and the chair and vice-chair of the
board of overseers are authorized to preside over executive
committee meetings.

It provides that future changes to the charter will be made
under the Maine Nonprofit Corporation Act, contained in the Maine
Revised Statutes, Title 13-B, or any successor.

The bill also makes several clerical corrections and changes
gender-specific language.

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