LD 1869
pg. 2
Page 1 of 2 An Act Regarding Protective Orders in Public Utilities Commission Proceedings ... LD 1869 Title Page
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LR 3164
Item 1

Unless the commission finds that the conditions of
subparagraphs 1 or 2 are met, the The obligations of attorneys
under the ethical rules, including the obligation to decline
representation in certain cases, the authority of the
commission to discipline attorneys who appear before the
commission, including the authority, under section 1502, to
punish for contempt persons who fail to comply with a
protective order, and the commission's ability to recommend
sanctions by other bodies, including the discipline of
attorneys by the courts and the Board of Overseers of the Bar,
is sufficient security to permit the attorney to have access
to information in order to represent a party before the
commission remain in effect when an attorney is granted access
to information under a protective order.

E. The commission may prohibit or restrict the disclosure
of information under protective order to a party's
independent consultant only for compelling reasons and to
the least extent necessary, except that the commission may
require that the any information be used only for the
purposes of the proceeding in which it is disclosed and may
prohibit disclosure of the information by the independent
consultant to others.

F. Notwithstanding any other provision of this subsection:

(1) The commission may deny all parties any party,
including the commission and its staff, access to
information if the commission finds that the potential
for harm from disclosure of the information outweighs
its probative value in the proceeding; and

(2) The commission may deny an attorney access to
information under protective order if the commission
finds that the attorney's request for access to the
information is not made in good faith or that the
attorney will not respect the terms of the protective

Sec. 2. 35-A MRSA §1311-A, sub-§2, ¶¶D and E, as enacted by PL 1997, c.
691, §5 and affected by §10, are amended to read:

D. The commission shall render a decision on the appeal
brought pursuant to this subsection within 7 14 business
days of the filing of the appeal.

E. Notwithstanding subsection 1, the commission may impose limits
on the disclosure of information beyond the limits imposed by the
protective order issued in accordance with

subsection 1 only if the commission finds that potential for
damage resulting from disclosure of the information in
accordance with the protective order clearly exceeds the
probative value of the information in the proceeding.


This bill changes the criteria for the issuance of protective
orders in Public Utilities Commission proceedings. It repeals
some of the changes that were made in 1998 that made confidential
information available to more people and closes loopholes in the
law that allowed such information to be available to parties with
multiple interests. The bill also allows the Public Utilities
Commission to determine the financial interests of the parties
seeking access to confidential information in order to protect
consumers and competitors from the inappropriate release or use
of that information.

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