LD 2024
pg. 2
Page 1 of 2 An Act to Improve the Safety Provided by the Underground Facilities Protection ... LD 2024 Title Page
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Item 1

sod to reestablish drainage away from the traveled portion of
the highway.

Sec. 3. 23 MRSA §3360-A, sub-§1, ¶E, as enacted by PL 1979, c. 362, §2,
is amended to read:

E. "Underground facility" means any item of personal
property buried or placed below ground for use in connection
with the storage or conveyance of water, sewage, electronic,
telephonic or telegraphic communications, electric energy,
oil, gas or other substances and including, but not limited
to, pipes, sewers, conduits, cables, valves, lines, wires,
manholes, attachments, appurtenances and those parts of
poles below ground, including property that is abandoned
after July 1, 2002. This definition shall does not include
highway drainage culverts or under drains.

Sec. 4. 23 MRSA §3360-A, sub-§1, ¶F, as enacted by PL 1991, c. 437, §1
and affected by §12, is amended to read:

F. "Underground facility operator" means the owner or
operator of any underground facility, other than an
underground oil storage facility as defined in Title 38,
section 562-A, subsection 21 or an airport aviation fuel
hydrant piping system, used in furnishing water, sewage,
electric, telephone, telegraph, gas, petroleum
transportation or cable television service. "Underground
facility operator" does not include a municipality or with
fewer than 5 full-time employees, a public utility with
fewer than 5 full-time employees or fewer than 300 customers
or a person that owns underground facilities on its own
property for commercial or residential purposes.

Sec. 5. 23 MRSA §3360-A, sub-§1-A, as amended by PL 1999, c. 718, §2,
is further amended to read:

1-A. Damage prevention system. Each underground facility
operator shall must be a member of and participate in an
underground facility damage prevention system, referred to in
this section as the "system." The system shall operate during
regular business hours throughout the year and maintain adequate
operations at all other times to receive and process emergency
notifications of proposed excavations. The system shall receive
notices of proposed excavations and immediately transmit those
notices to underground facility operators whose facilities may be
affected. No later than February 1, 2003, the system shall
maintain a location-specific information capability determined by
rules developed by the Public Utilities Commission. The cost for
operation of the system must be apportioned equitably among
members. Nothing in this subsection prohibits a municipality,

utility or other entity that owns or operates an underground
facility from voluntarily becoming a member of the system.
Notwithstanding subsection 1, paragraph F, a person that
voluntarily becomes a member of the system is deemed an
underground facility operator for the purposes of this section.

Sec. 6. 23 MRSA §3360-A, sub-§3, ¶E, as enacted by PL 1991, c. 437, §3
and affected by §12, is amended to read:

E. If the proposed excavation or blasting does not commence
within 30 calendar days of notification under this
subsection or the excavation or blasting will be expanded
outside of the location originally specified in the
notification, the excavator responsible for that excavation
shall again notify the system as specified in paragraph A.

Sec. 7. 23 MRSA §3360-A, sub-§3, ¶¶F and G are enacted to read:

F.__If the proposed excavation or blasting extends 30
calendar days or longer beyond the most recent date of
notification, the excavator shall again notify the system as
specified in this subsection.

G.__The excavator performing the mechanical processes
associated with an excavation is responsible for
ascertaining that all notifications required by this
subsection and subsections 5, 5-A, 5-C and 10 are performed.

Sec. 8. 23 MRSA §3360-A, sub-§4, as amended by PL 1999, c. 718, §3, is
further amended to read:

4. Operator response to notice-locating facilities. An
underground facility operator shall, upon receipt of the notice
provided for in subsection 3-A, advise the excavator of the
location and size of the operator's underground facilities and
all other underground facilities extending from the operator's
underground facilities to the primary locating end point in the
proposed excavation area by marking the location of the
facilities with stakes, paint or by other identifiable markings.
The marking must identify a strip of land not more than 3 feet
wide directly over the facility or a strip of land extending not
more than 1 1/2 feet on each side of the underground facility and
must indicate the depth of the underground facility, if known.
The underground facility operator shall complete this marking no
later than 2 full business days after receipt of the notice.
After the underground facility operator has marked the location
of that operator's underground facilities in the proposed
excavation area, the excavator is responsible for maintaining the
markings at the location, unless the excavator requests remarking

at the location due to obliteration, destruction or other removal
of the markings. The underground facility operator shall remark
the location within one business day following the receipt of a
request to remark.

If the proposed excavation is of such length or size that the
underground facility operator advises the excavator that the
operator can not reasonably respond with respect to all the
operator's underground facilities within 2 full business days,
the excavator shall notify the operator of the specific location
in which excavation will first be made and the operator shall
respond with respect to the operator's underground facilities in
that location within 2 full business days and for the remaining
facilities within a reasonable time thereafter.

The system may adopt rules requiring, under certain
circumstances, face-to-face meetings between excavators and
underground facility operators.

Beginning no later than February 1, 2003, within 16 hours of
completing the marking, the underground facility operator shall
notify the system that it has completed marking its facilities.__
If the underground facility operator determines it does not own
or operate any underground facilities within the proposed
excavation area, it shall notify the system within 16 hours of
making the determination.

By February 1, 2003, the excavator performing the mechanical
processes associated with an excavation is responsible for
verifying that each underground facility operator has marked its
facilities as required by this subsection or has responded to the
system as required by this subsection and that all other owners
or operators of underground facilities have located their
facilities as required by subsection 10.__The excavator has
fulfilled this requirement if it has observed all locational
markings made pursuant to this subsection and subsection 10, has
obtained from the system electronic confirmation regarding all
underground facility operators who have positively responded
pursuant to this subsection and has made a reasonable effort to
identify and contact each operator of underground facilities that
is not a member of the system and has been noticed pursuant to
subsection 10.

If an underground facility is located on the customer's side of
the primary locating end point, the excavator performing the
mechanical processes associated with the excavation is
responsible for locating those underground facilities and
performing all requirements of this subsection.__The excavator
has fulfilled this requirement if it has made a reasonable effort
based on conferring with the landowner, using locating or

excavating equipment or procedures and ascertaining the location
of facility entrance to all structures.

Sec. 9. 23 MRSA §3360-A, sub-§§5-D and 5-E are enacted to read:

5-D.__Exemption; cemeteries.__An excavator is exempt from the
notice requirements of subsection 3 for any excavation undertaken
within the boundaries of a cemetery as long as the person
responsible for operating the cemetery identifies the location of
any underground facilities within the excavation area and takes
appropriate action to avoid damage.

5-E.__Exemption; shoulder grading.__An excavator that is a
licensing authority as defined by Title 35-A, section 2502,
subsection 1 or its designee may be exempt from the provisions of
subsections 3 and 4-C for any excavation that is shoulder-grading
activity if the excavator carries out the provisions of this
subsection.__If an excavator chooses to excavate under the terms
of this subsection all operators of underground facilities within
the area of excavation must follow the provisions of this

A.__The excavator shall contact the system to determine the
identity of all underground facility operators that own or
operate underground facilities within the area of the

B.__The excavator shall contact each operator of underground
facilities within the area of excavation and request
information regarding the depth and location of facilities;

C.__The operator of the underground facility shall indicate
the location of its facilities and whether the depth of its
facilities is sufficient to avoid damage based upon the
excavator's description of the scope of its grading

D.__The excavator and the operator of the underground
facility shall take reasonable actions to carry out the
terms of this subsection; and

E.__The excavator shall excavate in a manner that does not
disturb the locations indicated by the operator of the
underground facilities.

Sec. 10. 23 MRSA §3360-A, sub-§6-C, as corrected by RR 1999, c. 2,
§27, is amended to read:

6-C. Forfeitures. In an adjudicatory proceeding, the Public
Utilities Commission may, in accordance with this subsection,
impose an administrative penalty for any violation of this
subsection. The administrative penalty may not exceed $500,
except that if the person has been found in violation of this
subsection within the prior 12 months the administrative penalty
may not exceed $5,000. Administrative penalties imposed pursuant
to this subsection are in addition to any other remedies or
forfeitures provided by law and any liability that may result
from the act or omission constituting the violation. Prior to
imposing any penalties under this subsection, the commission
shall consider evidence of the record of the violator, including,
to the extent applicable, the number of successful excavations
undertaken by the violator or the number of locations
successfully marked by the violator during the prior 12 months.
The commission may require a person who violates any provision of
this section to participate, at the expense of the violator, in
an educational program developed and conducted by the system.

The Public Utilities Commission may impose administrative
penalties for any of the following violations:

A. Failure of an excavator to give notice of an excavation
as required under subsection 3, except to the extent the
excavator is exempt from the provisions of subsection 3
pursuant to other provisions of this section;

B. Excavation by an excavator in a reckless or negligent
manner that poses a threat to an underground facility;

C. Excavation by an excavator that does not comply with the
requirements of subsection 4-C, except to the extent the
excavator is exempt from the provisions of subsection 4-C
pursuant to subsection 5-C;

D. Failure of an underground facility operator to mark the
location of the operator's underground facilities within the
time limits required by subsection 4; or

E. Marking by an underground facility operator of the
location of an underground facility in a reckless or
negligent manner.; or

F.__Failure of an excavator to comply with the requirements
of subsection 5-C, 5-D or 5-E.

Emergency clause. In view of the emergency cited in the preamble,
this Act takes effect when approved.


This bill revises provisions of the law that govern the Dig
Safe underground facilities protection program in the State. The
revisions provide limited exemption for cemeteries and shoulder
grading; require operators to mark inactive facilities,
affirmatively respond to the underground facility damage
prevention system and locate to the point of service transfer;
require the system to implement a location-specific information
capability; and require excavators to renotify the system
monthly. The bill also clarifies that the person who
mechanically performs the excavation is responsible for verifying
that notifications and locations have been performed and requires
that person to locate facilities on private property under some
circumstances. Finally, the bill also revises the exemption for
water utilities and for highway sign installation and makes some
administrative changes.

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