LD 2043
pg. 1
LD 2043 Title Page Resolve, to Study School Administrative Unit Organization in Maine Page 2 of 2
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LR 3025
Item 1

Sec. 1. Study group established. Resolved: That the Department of
Education and the State Board of Education shall convene a study
group to develop recommendations for state actions that would
provide adequate instructional opportunities for all students to
achieve the State's learning results while also ensuring a high
level of operational efficiency; and be it further

Sec. 2. Study group membership. Resolved: That the Commissioner of
Education and the Chair of the State Board of Education shall
jointly appoint cochairs and members of the study group. The
membership of the study group includes but is not limited to 2
superintendents, 2 school board members, 2 elected or appointed
municipal members, 2 members of the general public, one member of
the Department of Education, one member of the State Board of
Education, one teacher and one principal; and be it further

Sec. 3. Study group duties. Resolved: That the study group shall
consider issues and make recommendations related to providing the
organizational structure and functions that can provide adequate
instructional opportunities for all students to achieve the
State's learning results while also ensuring a high level of
operational efficiency. In accomplishing its duties, the study
group shall:

1. Research the history of regionalization in the State by
the formation of districts and participation in regional
collaboratives, including but not limited to implementation of
the Sinclair Act, Maine Revised Statutes, Title 20-A, chapter
103, subchapters I and II. This history must consider
demographic data of school administrative units and of regional
collaboratives, their organizational structures and functions and
how key decisions are made. The history must also characterize
the instructional opportunities and operational efficiencies that
are associated with different types of school units and regional

2. Investigate other research regarding school administrative
units and regional collaboratives in other states and identify
findings that may be applicable in the State; and

3. Recommend incentives that the State could provide that
would serve to promote school administrative units that have the
organizational characteristics that can be demonstrated to
support high levels of student outcomes and efficient use of
resources and to maintain school administrative units that are
already exhibiting these organizational characteristics. These
incentives may include, but are not limited to, receipt of higher
amounts of general purpose aid for local schools and preferential

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