LD 2043
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Page 1 of 2 Resolve, to Study School Administrative Unit Organization in Maine LD 2043 Title Page
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LR 3025
Item 1

treatment in determining eligibility for capital funds for school
construction, renovation or transportation.

In performing its duties, the study group shall review the
findings and recommendations of other research, including but not
limited to previous studies and reports by the Department of
Education, the State Board of Education and the Maine Education
Policy Research Institute. The study group shall also consider
the school governance recommendations contained in "Keeping
Promises: Honoring Our Commitment to Educational Equity," the
Final Report of the Committee to Study Organizational and Tax
Issues in Public Schools, commonly referred to as the "Rosser
Report," issued February 1995, including but not limited to the
committee's recommendations regarding cooperative agreements,
consolidation, school unions, school administrative unit cost-
sharing and withdrawals from a school administrative unit; and be
it further

Sec. 4. Report. Resolved: That the study group shall submit a
preliminary report to the joint standing committee of the
Legislature having jurisdiction over education matters by January
31, 2003 and a final report by January 20, 2004. The final
report must summarize all findings and provide specific
recommendations made pursuant to section 3 of this resolve,
including any proposed legislation to implement these
recommendations; and be it further

Sec. 5. Staffing. Resolved: That staffing must be jointly provided by
the State Board of Education and the Department of Education.
The study group may request research and data analysis from the
Executive Department, State Planning Office and the Maine
Education Policy Research Institute.


This resolve creates a study group to study school
administrative unit organization in the State. The study group
shall study the history of formation of districts and
participation in regional collaboratives in the State and
research in other states that may be applicable in the State.
The study group shall recommend incentives that might be used in
the State to promote organizational characteristics that can be
demonstrated to support high levels of student outcomes and
efficient use of resources and to maintain school administrative
units that already exhibit these organizational characteristics.
The study group shall submit a preliminary report to the joint
standing committee of the Legislative having jurisdiction over
education matters by January 31, 2003 and a final report by
January 20, 2004.

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