LD 2068
pg. 2
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Item 1

describing the treatment to be provided to the person during the
remainder of that person's incarceration.


Sec. D-1. 34-B MRSA §1207, sub-§1, ¶¶B-3 and B-4 are enacted to read:

B-3.__Information may be disclosed to the Department of
Corrections if:

(1)__The client is in the custody of the Department of

(2)__The client is suffering an acute mental
deterioration such that the client is not capable of
granting informed written consent; and

(3)__The information is necessary in order for the
Department of Corrections to carry out its statutory

B-4.__Information may be disclosed to a sheriff responsible
for a county detention facility if:

(1)__The client is in the custody of that facility;

(2)__The client is suffering an acute mental
deterioration such that the client is not capable of
granting informed written consent; and

(3)__The information is necessary in order for the
facility to carry out its statutory functions;


Sec. E-1. Examination of treatment of incarcerated mentally ill persons. The
Department of Corrections and the Maine Jail Association shall
examine and develop ways of treating incarcerated persons with
mental illness in the least restrictive setting possible that
does not compromise security. The department and Maine Jail
Association shall report the results of this examination and any
actions taken together with any recommendations to the joint
standing committee of the Legislature having jurisdiction over
criminal justice matters no later than January 30, 2003. The
joint standing committee may report out legislation in response
to the report to the First Regular Session of the 121st


Sec. F-1. 34-B MRSA c. 17 is enacted to read:



§17001.__Ombudsman program

1.__Definitions.__As used in this chapter, unless the context
otherwise indicates, the following terms have the following

A.__"Ombudsman" means the director of the program and
persons employed by or volunteering to perform the work of
the program.

B.__"Program" means the ombudsman program established under
this section.

2. Program established.__The ombudsman program is established
as an independent program within the Executive Department to
provide ombudsman services to persons with mental illness who are
in the custody of the Department of Corrections or a county
correctional facility. The program shall consider and promote the
best interests of persons with mental illness who are
incarcerated, answer inquiries and investigate, advise and work
toward resolution of complaints of infringement of the rights or
interests of persons with mental illness who are incarcerated.__
The program must be staffed under contract by an attorney, or a
master's level social worker, who must have experience in
advocacy for persons with mental illness, and support staff as
determined necessary. The program functions through the staff of
the program and volunteers recruited and trained to assist in the
duties of the program.

3. Contracted services.__The program shall operate by contract
with a nonprofit organization that the Executive Department
determines to be free of potential conflict of interest and best
able to provide the services on a statewide basis. The ombudsman
may not be actively involved in state-level political party
activities or publicly endorse, solicit funds for or make
contributions to political parties on the state level or
candidates for statewide elective office. The ombudsman may not
be a candidate for or hold any statewide elective or appointive
public office.

4. Duties.__The program shall provide services directly or
under contract and may set priorities for service among the types
of inquiries and complaints. The program shall:

A. Provide information to the public about the services of
the program through a comprehensive outreach program. The
ombudsman shall provide information through a toll-free
telephone number or numbers;

B. Answer inquiries and investigate and work toward
resolution of complaints regarding the performance and
services of the department, the Department of Corrections,
and any county correctional facility;

C. Participate in conferences, meetings and studies that may
improve the performance and services of the department, the
Department of Corrections and any county correctional

D. Provide services to persons with mental illness who are
incarcerated to assist them in protecting their rights;

E. Inform persons of the means of obtaining services from
the department, the Department of Corrections, a county
correctional facility and any other entity that may offer

F. Provide information and referral services;

G. Analyze and provide opinions and recommendations on state
programs, rules, policies and laws to agencies, the Governor
and the Legislature;

H. Determine what types of inquiries and complaints will be
accepted for action by the program and adopt policies and
procedures regarding communication with persons making the
inquiries or complaints and appropriate agencies and
facility administrators and staff;

I. Apply for and use grants, gifts and funds for the purpose
of performing the duties of the program; and

J. Collect and analyze records and data relevant to the
duties and activities of the program and make reports as
required by law or determined by the ombudsman to be

5. Access to persons, files and records.__As necessary for the
duties of the program, the ombudsman has access to the files and
records of the department, the Department of Corrections and

any county correctional facility, without fee, and to the
personnel of the departments and facilities for the purposes of
investigation of an inquiry or complaint.__The ombudsman may also
enter the premises of any state or county correctional facility
for the purposes of investigation of an inquiry or complaint
without prior notice. The program shall maintain the
confidentiality of all information or records obtained under this

6. Confidentiality of records. Information or records
maintained by the program relating to a__complaint or inquiry are
confidential and may not be disclosed unless the disclosure is
permitted by law and consented to by the ombudsman or ordered by
court. Records maintained by the program are not public records
as defined in Title 1, chapter 13.

7. Liability.__Any person who in good faith submits a
complaint or inquiry to the program pursuant to this section is
immune from any civil or criminal liability for that act.__For
the purpose of any civil or criminal proceedings, there is a
rebuttable presumption that any person acting pursuant to this
section did so in good faith. The ombudsman and employees and
volunteers in the program are employees of the State for the
purposes of the Maine Tort Claims Act, Title 14, section 8101.

8. Penalties.__A person who intentionally obstructs or hinders
the lawful performance of the ombudsman's duties commits a Class
E crime. A person who penalizes or imposes a restriction on a
person who makes a complaint or inquiry to the ombudsman as a
result of that complaint or inquiry commits a Class E crime. The
Attorney General shall enforce this subsection under Title 5,
section 191.

9. Information.__Beginning January 1, 2003, information about
the services of the program and any applicable grievance and
appeal procedures must be provided to all inmates in the custody
of the Department of Corrections and all inmates in county
correctional facilities.

10. Report.__The program shall report to the Governor, the
department and the Legislature by December 31st each year on the
activities and services of the program, priorities among types of
inquiries and complaints that have been set by the program,
waiting lists for services, the provision of outreach services
and recommendations for changes in policies, rules or laws to
improve the provision of services.

11. Oversight.__The joint standing committee of the
Legislature having jurisdiction over criminal justice matters
shall review annually the operations of the program and may make

recommendations to the Governor regarding the contract for
services under this section. The committee may submit legislation
that it determines necessary to amend or repeal this section.

Sec. F-2. Appropriations and allocations. The following appropriations
and allocations are made.


Ombudsman Program

New Initiative: Provides funds to contract with a nonprofit
organization to operate an ombudsman program. Funding is
included for one Ombudsman position and one support staff
position, operating costs and one-time, start-up costs.

General Fund2002-03

All Other$133,815


This bill implements the recommendations of the Committee to
Study the Needs of Persons with Mental Illness Who Are
Incarcerated relating to treatment and aftercare planning in
state prisons and county jails.

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