LD 2113
pg. 2
Page 1 of 2 An Act to Improve Access to Prescription Drugs for the Elderly LD 2113 Title Page
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LR 3458
Item 1

If, upon thorough analysis, the department determines that a
waiver under this subsection is not feasible or would not
significantly benefit participants in the elderly low-cost drug
program, the department may decide not to pursue it, but must,
within 30 days of that decision and before taking action on that
decision, report to the joint standing committee of the
Legislature having jurisdiction over health and human services
matters a detailed analysis of the reasons for reaching that

Sec. 4. 22 MRSA §3174-R, as enacted by PL 1997, c. 643, Pt. RR, §5,
is amended to read:

§3174-R. Medicaid drug rebate program

The department shall enter into a drug rebate agreement with
each manufacturer of prescription drugs under the Medicaid
program in accordance with Section 1927 of the federal Social
Security Act, as long as the agreements are consistent with state
and federal law, are approved by the federal Health Care Finance
Administration and result in a net increase in rebate revenue
available to the Maine Medicaid Program. Individual rebate
agreements may vary. The department shall seek to achieve an
aggregate rebate amount from all agreements that is at least 6
percentage points higher than the percentage of the total
Medicaid drug expenditures that the rebates would otherwise be
under Section 1927 of the federal Social Security Act. Any
increase in revenue from the Medicaid drug rebate program over
accepted estimates as of the effective date of this section that
results in a higher percentage of the total Medicaid drug rebates
must be reserved to provide coverage pursuant to section 3174-G,
subsection 1-A 1-C. In the event that the department is not
able to achieve the rebate amount required by this section
without compromising the best interest of Medicaid recipients and
the Medicaid drug rebate program, the department shall report to
the joint standing committee of the Legislature having
jurisdiction over health and human services matters and the joint
standing committee of the Legislature having jurisdiction over
appropriations and financial affairs in the next regular session
of the 119th Legislature.

Sec. 5. Report. The Department of Human Services shall report to
the joint standing committee of the Legislature having
jurisdiction over health and human services matters regarding the
status of the waiver request in the Maine Revised Statutes, Title
22, section 3174-G, subsection 1-C on or before January 12, 2003.


This bill requires the Department of Human Services to apply
to the federal Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services for a
waiver or amend a pending or current waiver under the Medicaid
program authorizing the department to use federal matching
dollars to enhance the prescription drug benefits available to
persons who currently qualify for the elderly low-cost drug

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