LD 2116
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Page 1 of 2 An Act to Establish the Maine Public Library of Geographic Information LD 2116 Title Page
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LR 3450
Item 1

through this Act by which data custodians or their designees
organize, catalog and provide access to public geographic
information to all levels of government and to the public.

7.__Nonstate data custodian. "Nonstate data custodian" means
any agency or instrumentality of a political subdivision of the

8.__ Public geographic information.__"Public geographic
information" means public information that is referenced to a
physical location.__Public geographic information includes, but
is not limited to, physical, legal, economic or environmental
information or characteristics concerning land, water,
groundwater, subsurface resources or air in this State relating

A.__Topography, soil, soil erosion, geology, minerals,
vegetation, land cover, wildlife and associated natural

B.__Land ownership, land use, land use controls and
restrictions, jurisdictional boundaries, tax assessment,
land value and land survey records and references; and

C.__Geodetic control networks, aerial photographs, maps,
planimetric data, remote sensing data, historic and
prehistoric sites and economic projections.

9.__Public information.__"Public information" means
information that is stored, gathered, generated, maintained or
financed by a data custodian.__Information of state and nonstate
data custodians is public information only if it is either:

A.__A public record under Title 1, section 402, subsection
3; or

B.__Otherwise expressly authorized by law to be released.

The presence of data in the library does not, by itself, make
that information a public record.

10.__State data custodian.__"State data custodian" means any
branch, agency or instrumentality of State Government.

11.__State funds.__"State funds" means bond revenues and money
appropriated or allocated by the Legislature.

1890-K.__Maine Public Library of Geographic Information Board

1.__Purposes and duties.__The Maine Public Library of
Geographic Information Board, as established by section 12004-G,
subsection 30-B, has the following purposes and duties:

A.__To oversee the Maine Public Library of Geographic
Information to ensure that it operates as a coordinated,
cost-effective electronic gateway providing public access to
data custodians' public geographic information.__Nothing in
this paragraph may be construed to affect the rights of
persons to inspect or copy public records under Title 1,
chapter 13, subchapter I, or the duty of data custodians to
provide for public inspection and copying of those records;

B.__To establish and maintain standards, rules and policies
for nonstate data custodians' geographic information that is
incorporated into the Maine Public Library of Geographic
Information.__These standards, rules and policies must be
consistent with the standards, rules and policies set by the
Information Services Policy Board established in section
1891 that govern state data custodians' information
technology.__The geographic information board shall adopt
rules to carry out this subchapter.__Rules adopted pursuant
to this paragraph are routine technical rules as defined in
chapter 375, subchapter II-A.__Standards and policies may
concern, without limitation:

(1)__Methods of access and delivery of information held
by the library;

(2)__Geographic information system technical

(3)__Data content, metadata and security, including
guideline criteria for accepting 3rd-party data from
data custodians or data volunteered by the private

(4)__Privacy and privacy protection;

(5)__Mechanisms to correct inaccuracies; and

(6)__Data validation tools and processes;

C.__To reduce redundancies in the creation, verification and
maintenance of public geographic information and to enhance
its utility for complex analyses.

(1)__Each state data custodian, or its designee, that
acquires, purchases, verifies, maintains or produces
geographic information with state funds or grants

(a)__Inform the geographic information board and
the Office of Geographic Information Systems of
the existence of this information and its
geographic extent; and

(b)__Upon request, provide to the library and
office an electronic copy of all information
classified as public, in a form compatible with
Information Services Policy Board standards.

(2)__Each nonstate data custodian, or its designee,
that acquires, purchases, verifies, maintains or
produces geographic information with state funds
specifically provided for that purpose shall:

(a)__Inform the geographic information board and
the Office of Geographic Information Systems of
the existence of this information and its
geographic extent; and

(b)__Upon request, provide to the library and
office an electronic copy of all information
classified as public, in a form compatible with
Information Services Policy Board standards;

D.__To set priorities and authorize the expenditure of state
funds, including awarding of grants or subgrants to data
custodians when available.__The geographic information board
may seek federal and other funding partners, accept gifts
and grants and expend the funds acquired for purposes
consistent with this Act;

E.__To promote innovative uses of geographic information
through the provision of verified, coordinated,
intergovernmental information via the Maine Public Library
of Geographic Information.__The geographic information board
shall seek advice from the general public, professional
associations, academic groups and institutions and
individuals with knowledge of and interest in geographic
information regarding needed information and potential
innovative uses of geographic information;

F.__To enter partnerships to promote the purposes of this

G.__To hear and resolve disputes that may arise between data
custodians or with respect to information to be placed in the
Maine Public Library of Geographic Information, enforcement of
geographic information board standards, rules

or policies or other related matters.__Complainants may
directly present their case to the geographic information
board, which has the power to hold investigations, inquiries
and hearings concerning matters brought to its attention and
to make decisions with respect to the case.__All interested
parties must be given reasonable notice of the hearing and
an opportunity to be heard.__Hearings must be open to the

H. To conduct studies relating to the coordination,
development and use of statewide geographic information; and

I.__To report annually beginning January 1, 2004 to the
joint standing committees of the Legislature having
jurisdiction over natural resources matters, and state and
local government matters.__The report must provide a review
the past year's activities, including, but not limited to, a
description of standards adopted, data added to the library,
partnerships established, disputes addressed, studies
conducted and financial activity.__The library shall also
make this report available to the public.__This report may
also include suggested legislative language intended to
address geographic information issues needing legislative

2.__Membership.__The geographic information board consists of
15 voting members as follows:

A.__The Commissioner of Administrative and Financial
Services or the commissioner's designee;

B.__The Chief Information Officer or the Chief Information
Officer's designee;

C.__Two members, or their designees, who are responsible for
overseeing GIS functions of state departments that are data
custodians of geographic information, appointed by the

D.__Eight representatives as follows:

(1)__A representative of the University of Maine
System, appointed by the Chancellor of the University
of Maine System;

(2)__Two representatives of a statewide association of
municipalities, one representative appointed by the President of
the Senate from nominations made by the association's governing
body and one representative

appointed by the Speaker of the House from nominations
made by the association's governing body;

(3)__One representative of a statewide association of
regional councils, appointed by the Speaker of the
House from nominations made by the State Planning
Office within the Executive Department;

(4)__One representative of a statewide association of
counties, appointed by the Governor from nominations
made by the association's governing body;

(5)__One representative of a statewide association
representing real estate and development interests,
appointed by the President of the Senate;

(6)__One representative of a statewide association
representing environmental interests, appointed by the
Speaker of the House; and

(7)__One member representing public utilities,
appointed by the Governor;

E.__Two members of the private sector representing
geographic information vendors, one member appointed by the
President of the Senate and one member appointed by the
Speaker of the House; and

F.__One public member, appointed by the President of the

The terms for the members appointed pursuant to paragraph D are
for a period of 3 years, except that initially the terms for
members appointed pursuant to paragraph D, subparagraphs (1), (2)
and (3) are for 2 years; the terms for members appointed pursuant
to paragraph D, subparagraphs (4) and (5) are for 3 years; and
the terms for members appointed pursuant to paragraph D,
subparagraphs (6) and (7) are for 4 years.__The term for members
appointed pursuant to paragraphs E and F is for 3 years.__A
member who designates another person to serve on the geographic
information board as that member's designee shall provide written
notice to the geographic information board's staff of the name
and title of the designee.__Appointing authorities shall make
their initial appointments and provide written notice of the
appointments to the geographic information board's staff no later
than September 1, 2002.

3.__Board chair.__The geographic information board shall
annually elect a chair from its membership at the first meeting
in each year.

4.__Staff.__Staff support to the geographic information board
is provided by the Department of Administrative and Financial

5.__Quorum; action.__Eight members of the geographic
information board constitute a quorum.__The affirmative vote of 7
members is necessary for any action taken by the geographic
information board.__A vacancy in the membership of the geographic
information board does not impair the right of a quorum to
exercise all the powers and perform the duties of the geographic
information board.__The geographic information board may use
video conferencing and other technologies to conduct its business
but is not exempt from Title 1, chapter 13, subchapter I.

6. Meetings.__The geographic information board shall meet at
the call of the chair but not less than quarterly.__Notice must
be provided no less than 5 working days prior to the meeting.__
Notice may be in writing by facsimile or electronic transmission.

7.__Memorandum of understanding.__Information to be provided
by a nonstate data custodian or its designee to the Maine Public
Library of Geographic Information is governed by a memorandum of
understanding between the geographic information board or its
designee and the nonstate data custodian or its designee.

8.__Data custodian responsibilities.__Federal and nonstate
data custodians may voluntarily contribute data to the Maine
Public Library of Geographic Information, except that data
developed with state funds must be submitted to the library.__
Data custodians or their designees are responsible for:

A.__Ensuring that the public information is accurate,
complete and current through the creation of adequate

B.__Updating source databases following verification of
suggested corrections that users submit in accordance with
geographic information board standards;

C.__Complying with standards adopted by the geographic
information board; and

D.__Providing reasonable safeguards to protect


The geographic information board and any of the parties
submitting data to the Maine Public Library of Geographic

Information for public use may not be held liable for any use of
those data.

§1890-M.__Copyrights and fees

Copyright or licensing restrictions may not be fixed by the
geographic information board or data custodians to the
information made available through the Maine Public Library of
Geographic Information.__The geographic information board may set
fees for electronic copies of library data that are no more than
3 times the actual cost of reproduction.__Fee schedules must be
set annually and made readily available to requestors.

Sec. 2. 5 MRSA §12004-G, sub-§30-B is enacted to read:

30-B. Maine PublicExpenses5 MRSA

PublicLibrary ofOnly§1890-K





This bill creates the Maine Public Library of Geographic

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