LD 2119
pg. 2
Page 1 of 2 An Act Relating to Subdivision Review and Title Search Procedures LD 2119 Title Page
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LR 3479
Item 1

(e)__The municipality must certify in writing that
its zoning ordinance is consistent with its
comprehensive plan and this certification must be
recorded at the county registry of deeds.

(3)__Municipalities that have a definition of
"subdivision" that conflicts with the requirements of
this subsection at the time this subsection takes
effect must comply with this subsection no later than
January 1, 2006.__These municipalities must record
their definition at the time this subsection takes
effect at the county registry of deeds by June 30, 2003
for the definition to remain valid for the grace period
ending January 1, 2006.

Sec. 2. 30-A MRSA §4408 is enacted to read:

§4408.__Note on recorded plan or plat

An approved subdivision plat or plan must have a note on the
plat or plan that indicates the definition of "subdivision" in
effect in the municipality at the time the subdivision is
created.__The note must be the full language of the local
definition, a reference to the statutory definition if that is
the locally used definition or a reference to the book and page
numbers of the locally adopted definition as recorded at the
registry of deeds.__A referenced definition may be only a
reference to the definition in section 4401, subsection 4,
paragraph H or to where the local definition is recorded at the
registry of deeds.


The bill places limits on the ability of municipalities to
modify the definition of "subdivision." It also requires that
all subdivision plats or plans include a notation that indicates
the definition of "subdivision" in effect in the municipality at
the time the subdivision is created.

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