LD 2131
pg. 1
LD 2131 Title Page An Act to Develop a Controlled Substances Prescription Monitoring and Intervent... Page 2 of 2
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LR 3481
Item 1

Be it enacted by the People of the State of Maine as follows:

Sec. 1. 10 MRSA §8003, sub-§6-A is enacted to read:

6-A.__Controlled Substances Prescription Monitoring and
Intervention Program Fund.__The Controlled Substances
Prescription Monitoring and Intervention Program Fund, referred
to in this subsection as the "fund," is established within the
department as a nonlapsing fund to be used by the commissioner to
fund or assist in funding the implementation and operation of a
controlled substances prescription monitoring and intervention
program pursuant to Title 32, section 13724.__The fund must be
deposited with and maintained and administered by the department.

Sec. 2. 32 MRSA §13724 is enacted to read:

§13724.__Controlled substances prescription monitoring and

intervention program

1.__Controlled substances prescription monitoring and
intervention program.__By January 1, 2005, the board and the
department shall cooperatively develop a computerized program,
referred to in this section as the "program," for the board to
track each prescription for a controlled substance listed in
schedule II, III or IV, under 21 United States Code, Section 812,
that is filled by a pharmacy that is registered under this
chapter.__The__program must:

A.__Be designed to provide information regarding:

(1)__The use by a patient of controlled substances
listed in schedule II, III or IV to pharmacies,
practitioners and appropriate state agencies in order
to prevent the improper or illegal use of such
controlled substances; and

(2)__Statistical data relating to the use of such
controlled substances that are not specified to a
particular patient; and

B.__Be administered by the board or representatives of
professional associations for practitioners or
representatives of occupational licensing boards selected by
the board or the department.

The program may not infringe on the legal use of a controlled

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