LD 2131
pg. 2
Page 1 of 2 An Act to Develop a Controlled Substances Prescription Monitoring and Intervent... LD 2131 Title Page
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LR 3481
Item 1

2.__Access.__The board and the department must have access to
the program and data collected pursuant to this section for the
purpose of identifying any improper, fraudulent or illegal
activity related to the dispensing of controlled substances.

3.__Report of fraudulent or illegal activity.__The board or
department may report any activity it reasonably suspects may be
fraudulent or illegal to the appropriate law enforcement agency
or occupational licensing board and provide the law enforcement
agency or occupational licensing board with relevant information
obtained from the program for further investigation.

4.__Disclosure of information.__Notwithstanding any other
provision of law and except as provided in this section,
information obtained from the program relating to a practitioner
or a patient may not be disclosed to any person.__The board must
disclose such information:

A.__Upon the request of a person about whom the information
requested concerns or upon the request of that person's
legal representative; or

B.__Upon a lawful order of a court.

5.__Gifts, grants and donations.__The department and the board
may apply for any available grants and accept any gifts, grants
or donations to assist in developing and maintaining the program.__
Any funds received by the department or the board to assist,
develop or maintain the program must be deposited in the
Controlled Substances Prescription Monitoring and Intervention
Program Fund under Title 10, section 8003, subsection 6-A.

Sec. 3. Start-up and operation funding; report. The Commissioner of
Professional and Financial Regulation shall report back to the
joint standing committee having jurisdiction over business and
economic development matters by January 2, 2003 with
recommendations for funding the start-up and ongoing operational
costs of the controlled substances prescription monitoring and
intervention program pursuant to the Maine Revised Statutes,
Title 32, section 13724. The report must include any proposed
fee assessments and the amount of the proposed fees.
Additionally, the report must include draft legislation necessary
to implement the program. The joint standing committee of the
Legislature having jurisdiction over business and economic
development matters may report out legislation on the subject
matter of this report to the First Regular Session of the 121st


This bill proposes the establishment of a controlled
substances prescription monitoring and intervention program. The
computerized program will be developed by the Department of
Professional and Financial Regulation and the Maine Board of
Pharmacy for the board to track each prescription for a
controlled substance listed in schedule II, III or IV that is
filled by a pharmacy that is registered with the board. The bill
also establishes a fund within the department to be administered
by the department for the purpose of funding the implementation
and ongoing costs associated with the program. Finally, the bill
requires the department to report back to the joint standing
committee having jurisdiction over business and economic
development matters its recommendations for funding the program
along with implementing legislation by January 2, 2003.

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