LD 2145
pg. 2
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LR 3456
Item 1

(3) Procurement of environmentally friendly
commodities and services, as assessed on a life cycle
basis, including technically comparable, cost-effective
and reasonably available alternatives to products that
may release dioxin or mercury to the environment,
recycling of waste products and enhanced fleet

C. Advise and assist state agencies and state-supported
institutions of higher learning in developing environmental
compliance audits and plans and in implementing those plans;

D. Advise the Governor and the Legislature in the
formulation of policies for the effective achievement of
initiative goals; and

E. Ensure that the capital master plan established under
Title 5, section 299 is implemented in a manner consistent
with the initiative.

3. Responsibilities of state agencies and state-supported
institutions of higher learning. State agencies and state-
supported institutions of higher learning shall cooperate with
the directors in implementing the initiative and shall provide
staff assistance and technical support upon request. In
addition, each state agency and state-supported institution of
higher learning shall:

A. Complete or demonstrate completion of an audit of its
facilities to determine compliance with applicable state and
federal environmental laws;

B. Develop a biennial plan that outlines the actions the
agency or state-supported institution of higher learning
will take to incorporate compliance efforts and
environmentally sustainable practices into its planning and
operational functions. To facilitate incorporation into the
biennial budget process, these plans must be submitted to
the directors prior to June 1st of each even-numbered year,
beginning in 2002;

C. Appoint an employee in the agency or state-supported
institution of higher learning to be responsible for
ensuring the development and implementation of agency
activities under the initiative; and

D. Establish standards for leasing or building state
facilities consistent with the initiative.

Each agency and state-supported institution of higher learning
shall fund costs associated with implementing this initiative
from within existing budgeted resources.

4. Reporting. Beginning on January 1, 2003, and biennially
thereafter, the directors shall jointly report on the activities
of all state agencies and state-supported institutions of higher
learning under the initiative to the joint standing committee of
the Legislature having jurisdiction over natural resources
matters and the joint standing committee of the Legislature
having jurisdiction over state government matters. The report
must identify the successes of and the obstacles to
implementation of the initiative and may include recommendations
for any statutory changes necessary to accomplish the initiative.


Under current law, the Clean Government Initiative assists
state agencies in meeting applicable environmental compliance
requirements and incorporating environmentally sustainable
practices into state government functions. This bill expands the
Clean Government Initiative to apply to the University of Maine
System, the Maine Maritime Academy and the Maine Technical
College System.

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