LD 2216
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LR 3653
Item 1

D.__"Economic development incentive" means:

(1)__Assistance from Maine Quality Centers under Title
20-A, chapter 431-A;

(2)__The Governor's Training Initiative Program under
Title 26, chapter 25, subchapter IV;

(3)__Municipal tax increment financing under Title 30-
A, chapter 207;

(4)__The jobs and investment tax credit under Title 36,
section 5215;

(5)__The research expense tax credit under Title 36,
section 5219-K;

(6)__Reimbursement for taxes paid on certain business
property under Title 36, chapter 915;

(7)__Employment tax increment financing under Title 36,
chapter 917;

(8)__The shipbuilding facility credit under Title 36,
chapter 919; or

(9)__The credit for seed capital investment under Title
36, section 5216-B.

Sec. 3. 5 MRSA §13070-J, sub-§3, as amended by PL 2001, c. 642, §2 and
affected by §12, is further amended to read:

3. Report. Annually, a business receiving an economic
development incentive described in subsection 1, paragraph D,
subparagraphs (1) to (7) (8), the value of which exceeds $10,000
in one year, shall submit a written report to the commissioner no
later than August 1st of the following year containing but not
limited to the following information:

A. The amount of assistance received by the business in the
preceding year from each economic development incentive and
the uses to which that assistance has been put;

B. The total amount of assistance received from all
economic assistance programs;

C. The number, type and wage level of jobs created or
retained as a result of an economic development incentive;

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