LD 2216
pg. 3
Page 2 of 9 An Act to Correct Recently Enacted Legislation Page 4 of 9
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LR 3653
Item 1

D. Current employment levels for the business for all
operations within the State, the number of employees in each
job classification and the average wages and benefits for
each classification;

E. Any changes in employment levels that have occurred over
the preceding year; and

F. An assessment of how the business has performed with
respect to the public purpose identified in subsection 2,
paragraph A, if applicable.

The department shall mail report forms by May 15th of each year
to every business required to file a report under this
subsection. Reports filed under this subsection are public
records for purposes of Title 1, chapter 13.

Sec. 4. Effective date. Those sections of this Act that amend the
Maine Revised Statutes, Title 5, section 13070-J, subsection 1,
paragraph D and subsection 3 take effect 90 days after
adjournment of the Second Regular Session of the 120th

Sec. 5. 7 MRSA §3910-A, sub-§2, as enacted by PL 2001, c. 617, §6, is
amended to read:

2. Surcharge imposed. A surcharge of $10 must be added to
every fine, forfeiture or penalty imposed by any court in this
State for a violation of this Part or Title 17, chapter 42. The
surcharge, for the purposes of collection and collection
procedures, is considered a part of the fine, forfeiture or
penalty. All funds collected as a result of this surcharge must
be deposited monthly in the Animal Welfare Fund established under
section 3906-B, subsection 2.

Sec. 6. Effective date. That section of this Act that amends the
Maine Revised Statutes, Title 7, section 3910-A, subsection 2
takes effect 90 days after adjournment of the Second Regular
Session of the 120th Legislature.

Sec. 7. 20-A MRSA §12722, sub-§8, ¶B, as enacted by PL 2001, c. 545,
§1, is amended to read:

B. An employee of the Maine Technical College System hired on or
after August 31, 1998 or on or after the last day of the month in
which authorization pursuant to subsection 1 occurs, whichever is
later, and who elected to participate in the defined contribution
plan may elect to terminate participation in the defined
contribution plan and to participate in the Maine State
Retirement System by

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