LD 2220
pg. 34
Page 33 of 43 An Act to Make Supplemental Appropriations and Allocations for the Expenditures... Page 35 of 43
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LR 3659
Item 1

Sec. EE-2. Determination and payment of assessment.

1. Basis of assessment. The Department of Human Services
shall determine the amount of each nursing home's net
operating revenue for nursing facility services based on
information filed with cost reports required to be filed for
calendar year 2001 and yearly thereafter. Any nursing home
that does not file a cost report with the Department of Human
Services is required to submit a statement that accurately
reflects gross revenue and all other information as may be
necessary to implement this Part.

2. Notice. The Maine Revenue Services shall notify in
writing each nursing home of its total annual assessment as
determined by the Department of Human Services as soon as
practicable after the beginning of each state fiscal year.

3. Monthly payment. A nursing home shall pay its annual
assessment in monthly installments to the Intermediate Care
Services Other Special Revenue Fund account in the Department
of Human Services.

4. Allowable cost. The Department of Human Services shall
adopt rules recognizing the nursing home assessment as an
allowable and reimbursable cost. The department will
determine the portion of the assessment to be reimbursed based
on MaineCare's share of total days of service.

5. Billing statements. The assessment imposed by this Part
may not be billed by the nursing home as a separately stated
charge on the billing statement to its patients.

Sec. EE-3. Failure to make timely payment of assessment.

1. Collection. If any nursing home fails to make timely
payment of any portion of an assessment, action is authorized
to be taken to collect any outstanding assessments consistent
with the laws of the State.

2. Collection by Department of Human Services. If any
portion of a nursing home's assessment is more than 30 days
past due, upon 10 days' written notice to the nursing home,
the Department of Human Services may:

A. Withhold the outstanding amount and any penalties or
fines from the nursing home's Medicaid payments; or

B. Suspend or withdraw the nursing home's Medicaid

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