LD 2220
pg. 35
Page 34 of 43 An Act to Make Supplemental Appropriations and Allocations for the Expenditures... Page 36 of 43
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LR 3659
Item 1

3. Change of ownership. Regardless of changes in control
or ownership of any nursing home, the Department of Human
Services may recover from a nursing home any outstanding
assessments under this Part and may take any of the actions
described in subsection 2 against a nursing home for any
outstanding assessments under this Part.

Sec. EE-5. Rules.

The Department of Human Services shall adopt any rules not
inconsistent with state law and fiscal procedures necessary
for the proper administration of this Part and to carry out
the provisions, policies and purposes of this Part. Rules
adopted pursuant to this section are routine technical rules
as defined in the Maine Revised Statutes, Title 5, chapter
375, subchapter 2-A.


Sec. FF-1. 20-A MRSA §15602, sub-§17 is enacted to read:

17.__Curtailment.__The following curtailment is established
for fiscal year 2002-03.

A.__An amount equal to $10,000,000 must be reduced from
the following components of general purpose aid to local

(1)__The state share of the adjusted debt service
allocation component must be reduced by $2,000,000;

(2)__The state share of the adjustments and
miscellaneous costs component must be reduced by
$680,096, resulting in a 1.37% reduction for each of
the categories in this component; and

(3)__The state share of the foundation component
including minimum subsidy must be reduced by
$7,319,904 by a method that preserves the equalizing
intent of the original distribution.

B.__The method of curtailment for the foundation component
including minimum subsidy must be calculated as follows:

(1)__The state share of each school administrative
unit's curtailment amount must equal each school
administrative unit's state share of the foundation
plus minimum subsidy multiplied by the unit's local
share percentage, as determined by the School Finance
Act of 1995, and this amount must be prorated so that

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