LD 232
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LD 232 Title Page An Act Concerning Political Action Committees and Party Committee Activities Pr... LD 232 Title Page
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LR 1676
Item 1

Be it enacted by the People of the State of Maine as follows:

Sec. 1. 21-A MRSA §1017-B is enacted to read:

§1017-B.__Publication or distribution of communications

If a party committee intends to publish for the first time a
communication designed to influence an election within the 10
days preceding the election, the party committee shall first
submit the communication to the commission and make the
communication available to the public not less than 72 hours
before publication of the communication.__For purposes of this
section, "publish" means to disseminate to the public by any
means, including to mail; broadcast by Internet, radio,
television or other electronic media; telephone; insert or
print in a newspaper, magazine or other periodical; or
distribute by hand.__The publication of a communication in
violation of this section may result in a civil penalty of no
more than $200.__Enforcement and collection procedures must be
in accordance with section 1062-A.

Sec. 2. 21-A MRSA §1055, as amended by PL 2001, c. 430, §9, is
further amended by inserting after the 2nd paragraph a new
paragraph to read:

If a political action committee intends to publish for the
first time a communication designed to influence an election
within the 10 days preceding the election, the political
action committee shall first submit the communication to the
commission and make the communication available to the public
not less than 72 hours before publication of the
communication.__For purposes of this section, "publish" means
to disseminate to the public by any means, including to mail;
broadcast by Internet, radio, television or other electronic
media; telephone; insert or print in a newspaper, magazine or
other periodical; or distribute by hand.


This bill requires political action and party committees to
submit to the Commission on Governmental Ethics and Election
Practices and make available to the general public at least 72
hours before publication any communication designed to
influence an election that is intended to be published for the
first time within the 10 days preceding the election.

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