LD 1076
pg. 1
LD 1076 Title Page Resolve, Authorizing the Commissioner of Administrative and Financial Services ... Page 2 of 3
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LR 1045
Item 1

Sec. 1. Sale of land. Resolved: That the State, by and through the
Commissioner of Administrative and Financial Services, is
authorized to convey by sale the interest of the State in real
estate as indicated in section 3 of this resolve to Baron C.
Wormser and Janet G. Wormser; and be it further

Sec. 2. Property to be sold as is. Resolved: That the Commissioner of
Administrative and Financial Services may negotiate and
execute the purchase and sales agreement upon terms the
commissioner considers appropriate; however, the state
property must be sold as is, without any presentations or
warranties. Title must be transferred by quitclaim deed
without covenant and executed by the commissioner; and be it

Sec. 3. Property description. Resolved: That the land subject to
transfer is described as follows:

A certain lot or parcel of land situate northerly of
Pleasant Street Place, so called, in the City of Hallowell,
Kennebec County, State of Maine, and being bounded and
described as follows:

Beginning at a 3/4-inch iron rod set capped "Thayer
Engineering Company" at the westerly corner of land of Baron
C. Wormser and Janet G. Wormser, reference deed recorded in
Kennebec County Registry of Deeds in Book 5568, Page 327,
formerly of Viti, reference deed recorded in said Registry of
Deeds in Book 3242, Page 350, as shown on a plan entitled
"Plan of Standard Boundary Survey of a Portion of Property of
State of Maine, Winthrop Street & Pleasant Street, Hallowell,
Maine," dated March 1988 by Thayer Engineering Company, Inc.,
Farmingdale, Maine;

Thence N 31 00' 14" E along the northwesterly line of said
land of Wormser a distance of 172.13 feet to a 3/4-inch iron
rod set capped "Thayer Engineering Company" and the northerly
corner of said land of Wormser;

Thence S 56 55' 55" E along the northeasterly line of said
land of Wormser a distance of 68.00 feet to a 3/4-inch iron
rod set capped "Thayer Engineering Company" and the easterly
corner of said land of Wormser and a northerly corner of land
now or formerly of Slack, reference deeds recorded in said
Registry of Deeds in Book 2016, Page 84, Book 1246, Page 336
and Book 283, Page 449;

Thence continuing S 56 55' 55" E along a northeasterly line
of said land of Slack a distance of 6.80 feet to a 3/4-inch
iron rod set capped "Thayer Engineering Company";

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