LD 1076
pg. 2
Page 1 of 3 Resolve, Authorizing the Commissioner of Administrative and Financial Services ... Page 3 of 3
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LR 1045
Item 1

Thence N 31 00' 00" E along a northwesterly line of said
land of Slack a distance of 20.00 feet to a 3/4-inch iron rod
set capped "Thayer Engineering Company" and a northerly corner
of said land of Slack;

Thence N 56 55' 55" W along a southwesterly line of land
being retained by State of Maine, reference deed recorded in
said Registry of Deeds in Book 288, Page 308, a distance of
88.80 feet;

Thence S 31 00' 14" W along a southeasterly line of said
land being retained by State of Maine a distance of 192.19

Thence S 57 09' 43" E along a northeasterly line of said
land being retained by State of Maine a distance of 14.00 feet
to the point of beginning, containing 4,184 square feet, more
or less.

Bearings are based upon a 1985 magnetic north observation.

Being a portion of premises described in a deed of Almira C.
Dummer to the Maine Industrial School for Girls, dated March
25, 1874, recorded in Kennebec County Registry of Deeds in
Book 288, Page 308.

The above description is based on said plan entitled "Plan
of Standard Boundary Survey of a Portion of Property of State
of Maine, Winthrop Street & Pleasant Street, Hallowell,
Maine," dated March 1988 by Thayer Engineering Company, Inc.,
Farmingdale, Maine, and is without the benefit of a current
Boundary Survey; and be it further

Sec. 4. Exemptions. Resolved: That any conveyance pursuant to this
resolve is exempt from any statutory or regulatory requirement
that the property first be offered to the Maine State Housing
Authority or another state or local agency; and be it further

Sec. 5. Appraisal. Resolved: That the Commissioner of
Administrative and Financial Services shall have the current
market value of the property described in section 3 of this
resolve determined by an independent appraiser and may use the
appraised value and offer the land for sale to the parties
listed in section 1 of this resolve.


This resolve authorizes the Commissioner of Administrative
and Financial Services to sell the State's interest in a

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