LD 1082
pg. 4
Page 3 of 5 An Act Regarding Habitual Truants Page 5 of 5
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LR 1152
Item 1

parent's custody to attend school or that the
administrators of the child's school did not perform their
duties as required by law.

2.__Jurisdiction.__The District Court has jurisdiction over
the violations under subsection 1.

3.__Process.__Service of a summons on the parent pursuant to
subsection 1 must be in accordance with the Maine Rules of
Criminal Procedure.

4.__Disposition.__Upon conviction of a parent for a Class E
crime as defined in subsection 1, the court may order a fine
of not less than $25 for the first offense and not less than
$50 for each subsequent offense.__In default of payment of the
fine, the parent may be imprisoned for not more than 2 days
for the first offense and not more than 5 days for each
subsequent offense.__The court may also order the parent to
participate in a parent-training class, attend school with the
child, perform community service hours at the school or
participate in counseling or other services as appropriate.

Sec. 6. 20-A MRSA §6810, as enacted by PL 1981, c. 693, §§5 and
8, is amended to read:

§6810. Truancy

The penalty for truancy is outlined in section 5053 5053-A.

Sec. 7. 20-A MRSA §7405, sub-§1, as amended by PL 1999, c. 775, §6,
is further amended to read:

1. Enrollment. The superintendent of the school
administrative unit in which a deaf or hard-of-hearing student
resides, with the consent of that student's parent or legal
guardian and in accordance with the limitations in section
5051 5051-A, may enroll that student in one of the center
school programs or the satellite school programs. The sums
necessary for tuition and room and board of the student while
attending one of the center school programs or satellite
school programs, as determined by the individualized education
program of the student, must be paid by the school board.


This bill amends the habitual truancy laws. It requires the
superintendent to send a notice to the parent of a truant
informing the parent that the child is truant and the child is
required by law to attend school. The bill also requires the

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