LD 1162
pg. 1
LD 1162 Title Page An Act To Prohibit the Use of Clean Election Funding for Candidates Who Lose in... LD 1162 Title Page
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LR 414
Item 1

Be it enacted by the People of the State of Maine as follows:

Sec. 1. 21-A MRSA §1125, sub-§5, as enacted by IB 1995, c. 1, §17,
is amended to read:

5. Certification of Maine Clean Election Act candidates.
Upon receipt of a final submittal of qualifying contributions
by a participating candidate, the commission shall determine
whether or not the candidate has:

A. Signed and filed a declaration of intent to
participate in this Act;

B. Submitted the appropriate number of valid qualifying

C. Qualified as a candidate by petition or other means;

D. Not accepted contributions, except for seed money
contributions, and otherwise complied with seed money
restrictions; and

E. Otherwise met the requirements for participation in
this Act.

The commission shall certify a candidate complying with the
requirements of this section as a Maine Clean Election Act
candidate as soon as possible and no later than 3 days after
final submittal of qualifying contributions.

Upon certification, a candidate must transfer to the fund any
unspent seed money contributions. A certified candidate must
comply with all requirements of this Act after certification
and throughout the primary and general election periods.
Failure to do so is a violation of this chapter.

A candidate who loses a primary election may not be certified
for the general election in the same election cycle.__A
certified candidate who loses a primary election loses
certification and must transfer to the fund any unspent funds
held by that candidate.


This bill provides that a Maine Clean Election Act candidate
who loses a primary election also loses certification under
the Maine Clean Election Act and must transfer all unspent
campaign funds to the Maine Clean Election Fund.

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