LD 1190
pg. 17
Page 16 of 18 An Act To Create the Comprehensive Health Insurance Risk Pool Association Page 18 of 18
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LR 436
Item 1

§3912.__Actions against association or members based upon joint

or collective actions

Participation in the association, the establishment of
rates, forms or procedures or any other joint or collective
action, required by this chapter may not be the basis of any
legal action criminal or civil liability or penalty against
the association or any member insurer.

Sec. 7. Application for federal grant. Within 30 days of the effective
date of this Act, the Superintendent of Insurance shall submit
an application to the federal Department of Health and Human
Services, Health Resources and Services Administration for a
federal seed grant to support the creation and initial
operation of the Comprehensive Health Insurance Risk Pool
Association established in the Maine Revised Statutes, Title
24-A, chapter 54.

Sec. 8. Study of reinsurance. The Comprehensive Health Insurance
Risk Pool Association established pursuant to the Maine
Revised Statutes, Title 24-A, section 3904 shall conduct a
study of the possibility of offering a reinsurance pool for
the small group medical insurance market in order to spread
the cost of high-risk individuals for the small group medical
insurance market. The study must address the cost of the
reinsurance pool, potential funding mechanisms and the
effectiveness of a reinsurance pool. The association may
address any other issues regarding a reinsurance pool that it
determines are relevant in the study. The association shall
submit its report to the joint standing committee of the
Legislature having jurisdiction over health insurance matters
by March 1, 2005.

Sec. 9. Effective date. Those sections of this Act that repeal the
Maine Revised Statutes, Title 24-A, section 2736-C, subsection
3, paragraphs A and C take effect October 1, 2004.

Emergency clause. In view of the emergency cited in the
preamble, this Act takes effect when approved.


This bill creates the Comprehensive Health Insurance Risk
Pool Association. The purpose of the association is to spread
the cost of high-risk individuals among all health insurers.
The bill funds the high-risk pool through an assessment on
insurers. The bill requires the State to submit an
application to the
Federal Government for federal assistance to create a high-
risk pool.

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