LD 1236
pg. 1
LD 1236 Title Page An Act To Regulate the Delivery Sales of Cigarettes and To Prevent the Sale of ... Page 2 of 5
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LR 1230
Item 1

Be it enacted by the People of the State of Maine as follows:

Sec. 1. 22 MRSA §1551, sub-§§1-A to 1-D are enacted to read:

1-A.__Consumer.__"Consumer" means an individual who
purchases, receives or possesses cigarettes for personal
consumption and not for resale.

1-B.__Delivery sale.__"Delivery sale" means:

A.__A sale of cigarettes to a consumer in the State when:

(1)__The purchaser submits the order for the sale by
means of a telephonic or other method of voice
transmission, the mail or any other delivery service
or the Internet or other on-line service; or

(2)__The cigarettes are delivered by use of the mail
or other delivery service; or

B.__A sale of cigarettes that satisfies the criteria in
paragraph A, subparagraph (1) regardless of whether the
seller is located inside or outside of the State.

For purposes of this subsection, a sale of cigarettes to an
individual in the State must be treated as a sale to a
consumer unless the individual is licensed as a distributor or
retailer of cigarettes by the department.

1-C.__Delivery service.__"Delivery service" means a person,
including the United States Postal Service, that is engaged in
the commercial delivery of letters, packages or other

1-D.__Distributor.__"Distributor" means a person, whether
located inside or outside of the borders of the State, other
than a retailer, who sells or distributes cigarettes inside
the boundaries of the State.__"Distributor" does not include a
cigarette manufacturer, export warehouse proprietor or
importer with a valid permit under 26 United States Code,
Section 5712 (1997) if the person sells or distributes
cigarettes in the State only to distributors who hold valid
and current licenses under the laws of a state or to an export
warehouse proprietor or another manufacturer.__"Distributor"
does not include a common or contract carrier that is
transporting cigarettes under a proper bill of lading or
freight bill that states the quantity, source and destination
of cigarettes or a person who ships cigarettes through this
State by common or contract carrier under a bill of lading or
freight bill.

Sec. 2. 22 MRSA §1551, sub-§2-A is enacted to read:

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