LD 1236
pg. 5
Page 4 of 5 An Act To Regulate the Delivery Sales of Cigarettes and To Prevent the Sale of ... LD 1236 Title Page
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LR 1230
Item 1

(2)__For the 2nd and any subsequent violation, a fine
of not more than $5,000 may be adjudged.

B.__A person who submits ordering information under
subsection 2, paragraph A in another person's name commits
a civil violation for which a fine of not more than
$10,000 may be adjudged or for which a term of
imprisonment not to exceed 5 years may be adjudged, or

11.__Enforcement.__The Attorney General or the Attorney
General's designee, or any person who holds a permit under 26
United States Code, Section 5712 (1997), may bring an action
in the appropriate court in the State to prevent or restrain
violations of this chapter by any person or any person
controlling that person.

Sec. 4. 36 MRSA §4372-A, sub-§7, as amended by PL 1999, c. 616, §6,
is further amended to read:

7. Hearings; disposition; deposit of funds. At a hearing,
other than a default proceeding, the court shall hear
evidence, make findings of fact, enter conclusions of law and
file a final order from which the parties have the right of
appeal. When cigarettes are ordered forfeited, the final
order must provide for the disposition of the cigarettes by
the State Tax Assessor by public auction or by the State
Purchasing Agent. Proceeds must be deposited in the General
Fund. Cigarettes described in section 4366-C, subsection 1
and Title 22, section 1555-C must be destroyed by the State
Tax Assessor in a manner that prevents their reintroduction
into the marketplace.


This bill amends the statutes to strengthen the regulation
of delivery sales of cigarettes, especially with regards to
preventing sales to minors. Delivery sales of cigarettes are
any sales of cigarettes to consumers in the State, with the
consumers ordering the cigarettes over the phone or Internet
and receiving the cigarettes via the mail or delivery service.
The bill also clarifies the collection of taxes with regard to
the delivery sales of cigarettes.

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