LD 1316
pg. 4
Page 3 of 11 An Act To Establish Medical Gas and Vacuum System Installer Certification Page 5 of 11
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LR 1507
Item 1

4.__Quorum.__A majority of the board constitutes a quorum
for the transaction of all business.

§15355.__Powers and duties

In addition to all other powers and duties conferred or
imposed upon the board by this chapter, the board is
authorized to:

1.__Officers.__Elect its own officers and prescribe their

2.__Certifications and permits.__Grant certifications and
apprentice permits to duly qualified applicants;

3.__Fees.__Establish fees that are reasonable and necessary
to defray the cost of administering this chapter;

4.__Rules.__Adopt rules not inconsistent with the laws of
this State as may be necessary for the orderly conduct of its
affairs and for the administration of this chapter;

5.__Enforcement.__Enforce the provisions of this chapter and
any related code or rules through inspections, audits,
citations, civil penalties and any other appropriate means;

6.__Inspections.__Employ inspectors and charge fees for
inspections of installations pursuant to this chapter;

7.__Investigations.__Subpoena records and documents and
compel the attendance of witnesses pursuant to an
investigation or a hearing of the board;

8.__Hearings.__Conduct hearings according to the provisions
of the Maine Administrative Procedure Act;

9.__Legal action.__Bring a suit, in any court of competent
jurisdiction, to enjoin any person from violating this

10.__Exceptions.__Review and approve or disapprove requests
for exceptions to the State Medical Gas and Vacuum System Code
in situations in which a strict interpretation of the code
would result in unreasonable operational conditions or
unreasonable economic burdens as long as public safety is not
compromised; and

11.__Endorsements.__Create requirements for specialized
endorsements for certifications governed by this chapter.

§15356.__Publication of requirements

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