LD 1319
pg. 4
Page 3 of 423 An Act Making Unified Appropriations and Allocations for the Expenditures of St... Page 5 of 423
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LR 2000
Item 1

financing are submitted to the Department of Administrative and
Financial Services, Bureau of the Budget for evaluation and
recommendation to the Legislature and until the funds are made
available therefor by the Legislature.

Sec. A-9. Seasonal or temporary employees. All appointing authorities
are required by chapter 12, section 4C8(c) of the Civil
Service Rules, as amended on June 17, 1991, to inform all
seasonal or temporary employees of the approximate date of
termination of employment at the time of hire; and that notice
must be given to all employees who are appointed to time-
limited positions or appointments.

Sec. A-10. Federally funded programs. It is the intent of the
Legislature that, if federal funds are not available as
anticipated for programs in this Act, there is no obligation
to provide state funds in excess of those listed in this Act.
Positions entirely or partially funded by federal or nonstate
sources of funds are considered limited-period positions.

Sec. A-11. Travel limitations. It is the intent of the Legislature
that out-of-state travel by state employees be limited. Any
state employee who travels out of state on state business,
such as law enforcement, collecting, bidding, industrial
development or loans, may continue to do so. The Legislature
directs that department heads limit travel, allowing it only
when it is absolutely needed. A state employee may not be
reimbursed for noon meals, unless the expense is incurred
while the employee is traveling on state business and lodging
is required. Any state employee who attends a seminar or
other program that includes the cost of a noon meal as part of
the tuition or registration fee is not required to reimburse
the State for the meal.

Sec. A-12. Equipment to be reviewed. The Commissioner of
Administrative and Financial Services may choose a designee to
conduct a thorough review of all types of equipment, including
automobiles, pickups and vans, owned, leased or otherwise
available to the departments and agencies of the State,
regardless of the source of supporting funds, and make
recommendations via the budgetary process for combining their
use, providing centralized facilities or eliminating existing
equipment and facilities, as believed to be most economical
and efficient for the State. The Commissioner of
Administrative and Financial Services may also develop and
institute review and control mechanisms considered necessary
to ensure that capital equipment purchases authorized by the
Legislature are consistent with the intent for which funds
were recommended and made available.

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