LD 1339
pg. 5
Page 4 of 6 An Act To Amend the Laws Governing Campaign Finance Page 6 of 6
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LR 216
Item 1

When a political action committee makes an expenditure to
finance a communication expressly advocating the election or
defeat of a candidate through broadcasting stations,
newspapers, magazines, outdoor advertising facilities, direct
mails and other similar types of general public political
advertising and through flyers, handbills, bumper stickers and
other nonperiodical publications, the communication must
clearly and conspicuously state the name and address of the
political action committee that authorized, made or financed
the expenditure for the communication and that the
communication has been authorized by the political action

If the communication described in this section is a
television advertisement, an unobscured, full-screen picture,
either still or moving, of the chief decision maker or
treasurer of the political action committee that sponsored the
communication must appear at the end of the communication
accompanied by the following words, or words substantially
similar,__spoken by the chief decision maker or treasurer of
the political action committee: "The (name of political action
committee) sponsored this ad (supporting or opposing) (name of
candidate) for (name of office)."__If the communication is a
radio broadcast, the communication must contain the following
statement, or words substantially similar, spoken by the chief
decision maker or treasurer of the political action committee
that sponsored the communication:__"I am (name of person)
(chief decision maker or treasurer) of (name of political
action committee) and this ad (opposing or supporting) (name
of candidate) for (name of office) was paid for by (name of
political action committee), a political action committee."

A person operating a broadcasting station within this State
may not broadcast any such communication without an the oral
or visual announcement of the name and address of the
political action committee that made or financed the
expenditure for the communication required by this section and
a statement that reads: "A copy of our report is available
from the Commission on Governmental Ethics and Election

An expenditure, communication or broadcast that results in a
violation of this section may result in a civil penalty of no
more than $200. Enforcement and collection procedures must be
in accordance with section 1062-A.

Sec. 11. 21-A MRSA §1060, sub-§4, as enacted by PL 1985, c. 161, §6,
is amended to read:

4. Itemized expenditures. An itemization of expenditures
and the date of each expenditure made to support or oppose any
candidate, campaign, political committee, political action
committee, political party, referendum or initiated petition.

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