LD 1339
pg. 6
Page 5 of 6 An Act To Amend the Laws Governing Campaign Finance LD 1339 Title Page
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LR 216
Item 1

expenditures were made to a person described in section 1012,
subsection 3, paragraph A, subparagraph (4), the report must
contain the name of the person, the amount spent by that person
on behalf of the candidate, campaign, political committee,
political action committee, political party, referendum or
initiated petition, the reason for the expenditure and the date
of the expenditure. The commission may specify the categories of
expenditures which that are to be reported to enable the
commission to closely monitor the activities of political action

Sec. 12. 21-A MRSA §1060, sub-§6, as amended by PL 1991, c. 839,
§30, is further amended to read:

6. Identification of contributions. Names, occupations,
places of business and mailing addresses of contributors who
have given more than $50 to the political committee after the
committee has registered under section 1053, the amount
contributed by each donor and the date of the contribution.
The information already reported as required by section 1053,
subsection 7 should not be duplicated; and


This bill amends the campaign finance laws by:

1. Requiring a political advertisement broadcast on
television or radio to contain an image, if on television, and
statement regarding the sponsorship of the ad spoken by the
candidate, treasurer of the candidate's authorized political
committee, candidate's party committee or their agents or, if
sponsored by a political action committee, the chief decision
maker or treasurer of that political action committee or, if
sponsored by an individual without any connection to the
candidate or political action committee, that individual;

2. Defining a payment made to a 3rd party, not an employee
of the candidate, candidate's political committee or party
committee or political action committee, as an expenditure for
the purposes of reporting and requiring expenditures made to
that person to be itemized by the amount, reason and date of
the expenditure; and

3. Requiring reports made by candidates, political action
committees and independent expenditures regarding
contributions to contain, in addition to the name of the
contributor, the occupation and place of business of the
contributor. This requirement already exists for party

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