LD 1369
pg. 33
Page 32 of 49 An Act To Establish the Maine Community College System Page 34 of 49
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LR 2033
Item 1

3. Maine Community College System. It is the express
legislative intent to foster meaningful collective bargaining
for employees of the technical colleges Maine Community College
System. Therefore, in accordance with this policy, the
bargaining units shall be are structured with one unit in each
of the following occupational groups:

A. Faculty and instructors;

B. Administrative staff;

C. Supervisory;

D. Support services;

E. Institutional services; and

F. Police.

Sec. 97. 26 MRSA §1024-A, sub-§5, as amended by PL 1989, c. 443,
§66, is further amended to read:

5. Additional bargaining units. Notwithstanding subsection
1, 2 or 3, the Legislature recognizes that additional or
modified university system-wide units, academy units or
technical community college units may be appropriate in the
future. The employer or employee organizations may petition
the executive director for the establishment of additional or
modified university system-wide units, academy units or
technical community college units. The executive director or
a designee shall determine the appropriateness of those
petitions, taking into consideration the community of interest
and the declared legislative intent to avoid fragmentation
whenever possible and to insure employees the fullest freedom
in exercising the rights guaranteed by this chapter. The
executive director or a designee conducting unit determination
proceedings may administer oaths and require by subpoena the
attendance and testimony of witnesses, the production of
books, records and other evidence relative or pertinent to the
issues represented to them.

Sec. 98. 26 MRSA §1025, as amended by PL 1991, c. 622, Pt. O,
§10, is further amended to read:

§1025. Determination of bargaining agent

1. Voluntary recognition. Any employee organization may
file a request with the university, academy or technical
community colleges alleging that a majority of the university,
academy or technical community college employees in an

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