LD 1369
pg. 34
Page 33 of 49 An Act To Establish the Maine Community College System Page 35 of 49
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LR 2033
Item 1

appropriate bargaining unit as established in section 1024 1024-
A, wish to be represented for the purpose of collective
bargaining between the university, academy or technical
community colleges and the employees' organization. Such request
shall must describe the grouping of jobs or positions which that
constitute the unit claimed to be appropriate and shall must
include a demonstration of majority support. Such request for
recognition shall must be granted by the university, academy or
technical community colleges unless the university, academy or
technical community colleges desire that an election determine
whether the organization represents a majority of the members in
the bargaining unit. In the event that the request for
recognition is granted by the university, academy or technical
community colleges, the executive director shall certify the
organization so recognized as the bargaining agent.

2. Elections.

A. The executive director of the board, upon signed
request of the university, academy or technical community
college alleging that one or more university, academy or
technical community college employees or employee
organizations have presented to it a claim to be
recognized as the representative of a bargaining unit of
university, academy or technical community college
employees, or upon signed petition of at least 30% of a
bargaining unit of university, academy or technical
community college employees that they desire to be
represented by an organization, shall conduct a secret
ballot election to determine whether the organization
represents a majority of the members of the bargaining
unit. Such an election may be conducted at suitable work
locations or through the United States mail, and the
procedures adopted and employed must ensure that neither
the employee organizations or the management
representatives involved in the election have access to
information that would identify a voter.

B. The ballot shall must contain the name of such
organization and that of any other organization showing
written proof of at least 10% representation of the
university, academy or technical community college employees
within the unit, together with a choice for any university,
academy or technical community college employee to designate
that the employee does not desire to be represented by any
bargaining agent. Where more than one organization is on the
ballot, and no one of the 3 or more choices receives a
majority vote of the university, academy or technical
community college employees voting, a run-off election shall
must be held. The run-off ballot shall must contain the
2 choices which that received the largest and 2nd largest

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