LD 1373
pg. 2
Page 1 of 3 Resolve, To Establish the Commission on Comprehensive Energy Planning Page 3 of 3
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LR 1583
Item 1

purchases from Canada and utility-sponsored generation. This
study should examine predicted cost, reliability, environmental
impact within the State and environmental costs, otherwise known
as externalities, for each option;

3. An analysis of the State's energy situation in the
context of regional power arrangements and agreements;

4. Recommendations to the Governor and to the Legislature
based on the findings of the commission, including a
recommendation for instituting a process whereby the State may
update and evaluate in an ongoing manner its comprehensive
energy planning;

5. An analysis of deregulation of the State's large
utilities and the closing of Maine Yankee atomic energy plant;

6. An analysis of the divestiture by the State's utilities
and the division and sale of the generating and delivery
systems formerly held as one unit by a utility;

7. An analysis of the growth and spread of various
nontraditional power generating sources; and

8. An analysis of the introduction of expanded traditional
energy sources, such as the natural gas lines from the
Maritimes; and be it further

Sec. 6. Process. Resolved: That, in conducting the study, the
commission may:

1. Hold several public hearings, at least 3 of which must
be held outside the State House complex in locations
geographically distributed throughout the State;

2. Create subcommittees or advisory groups as the
commission considers appropriate;

3. Request assistance from any individual, agency,
organization or other entity as the commission considers
appropriate; and

4. Adopt, by majority vote of all members, procedures for
conducting the commission's business; and be it further

Sec. 7. Staff assistance. Resolved: That the Energy Resources Council
and the Executive Department shall staff the commission. The
commission may request additional staff assistance from state
agencies as the commission considers appropriate. The

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