LD 1417
pg. 15
Page 14 of 16 An Act To Make Changes to the Laws Governing Aquaculture Leasing Page 16 of 16
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LR 1908
Item 1

7. It repeals a requirement that the applicant for a standard
aquaculture lease publish notice of public hearing for the lease
in the newspaper.

8. It deletes language regarding Department of
Environmental Protection certification of water quality and
lists the current requirement for a discharge permit to be
obtained for affected lease applications.

9. It changes language on the notification of granted
leases to remove a requirement on public notice in a local
paper and adds a requirement that the Department of Marine
Resources notify riparian landowners, the municipality and
interested parties that a lease has been granted.

10. It amends language on the revocation of standard
aquaculture leases to allow the Commissioner of Marine
Resources discretion in when to initiate revocation

11. It repeals current language on the renewal of standard

12. It enacts new language on the renewal of standard
leases that requires earlier notice of intent to renew and
adds a requirement that leases not routinely used must be
determined to still meet all of the approval criteria in the
Maine Revised Statutes, Title 12, subsection 6072, subsection

13. It clarifies that the existing exclusive jurisdiction
of the Commissioner of Marine Resources to regulate
aquaculture activities on state submerged lands below the mean
low-water mark includes all types of equipment to be located
within a limited-purpose aquaculture lease. Language is also
proposed to allow qualified professional staff to sign
decision documents and leases.

14. It changes language to require the Department of Marine
Resources to notify riparian landowners when a complete
limited-purpose aquaculture lease application is being
reviewed by the department. The applicant is required to
submit the names and addresses of the riparian landowners.

15. It changes language to require the Department of Marine
Resources and not the applicant to publish notice of a public
hearing for a limited-purpose aquaculture lease application.

16. It repeals a provision on municipal approval and enacts
new language concerning municipal participation in the
limited-purpose aquaculture lease process.

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